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Lubarda, V. A. (1982) Non-Isothermal Elastic-Plastic Deformation, Theor. Appl. Mech. 8, 87-93. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1991) Some Aspects of Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Analysis of Elastically Anisotropic Materials, Int. J. Plasticity 7, 625-636. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1991) Constitutive Analysis of Large Elastic-Plastic Deformation Based on the Multiplicative Decomposition of Deformation Gradient, Int. J. Solids Struct. 27, 885-895. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Shih, C. F. (1994) Plastic Spin and Related Issues in Phenomenological Plasticity, J. Appl. Mech., 61, 524-529. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1994) Elastoplastic Constitutive Analysis with the Yield Surface in Strain Space, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 42, 931-952. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Mastilovic, S. and Knap, J. (1996) Some Remarks on Plasticity Postulates and Non-Associative Flow Rules, Int. J. Mech. Sciences, 38, 247-258. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Mastilovic, S. and Knap, J. (1996) Brittle-Ductile Transition in Porous Rocks by Pressure-Dependent Cap Model, J. Engrg. Mech., 122, 633-642. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1999) On the Partition of Rate of Deformation in Crystal Plasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 15, 721-736. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1999) Duality in Constitutive Formulation of Finite-Strain Elastoplasticity Based on F=F_eF_p and F=F^pF^e Decompositions, Int. J. Plasticity, 15, 1277-1290. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2000) Deformation Theory of Plasticity Revisited, Proc. Mont. Acad. Sci. Arts, 13, 117-143. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Benson, D. J. (2001) On the Partition of the Rate of Deformation Gradient in Phenomenological Plasticity, Int. J. Solids Struct., 38, 6805-6817. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Benson, D. J. (2002) On the Evolution Equation for the Rest Stress in Rate-Dependent Plasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 18, 895-918. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Benson, D. J. (2002) On the Numerical Algorithm for Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening with the Armstrong--Frederick Evolution of the Back Stress, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 191, 3583-3596. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Benson, D. J. and M. A. Meyers (2003) Strain-Rate Effects in Rheological Models of Inelastic Response, Int. J. Plasticity, 19, 1097-1118. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2004) Constitutive Theories Based on the Multiplicative Decomposition of Deformation Gradient: Thermoelasticity, Elastoplasticity and Biomechanics, Appl. Mech. Rev., 57, 95-108. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2016) On the Recoverable and Dissipative Parts of Higher Order Stresses in Strain Gradient Plasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 78, 26-43. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2016) Rigid-Plastic Torsion of a Hollow Tube in Strain-Gradient Plasticity, Int. J. Solids Struct., 100, 127-137. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2017) On the Analysis of Pure Bending of Rigid-Plastic Beams in Strain-Gradient Plasticity, Eur. J. Mechanics A - Solids, 63, 43-52. [PDF]
Damage Mechanics
Lubarda, V. A., Sumarac, D. and Krajcinovic, D. (1993) Preisach Model and Hysteretic Behaviour of Ductile Materials, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 12, 445-470. [PDF]
Krajcinovic, D., Lubarda, V. A. and Sumarac, D. (1993) Fundamental Aspects of the Brittle Cooperative Phenomena, Mech. of Materials, 15, 99-115. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Krajcinovic, D. (1993) Damage Tensors and the Crack Density Distribution, Int. J. Solids Structures, 30, 2859-2877. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Krajcinovic, D. (1994) Tensorial Representation of the Effective Elastic Properties of the Damaged Material, Int. J. Damage Mech., 3, 38-56. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1994) An Analysis of Large-Strain Damage Elastoplasticity, Int. J. Solids Struct., 31, 2951-2964. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Krajcinovic, D. and Mastilovic, S. (1994) Damage Model for Brittle Elastic Solids with Unequal Tensile and Compressive Strengths, Eng. Fract. Mech., 49, 681-697. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Krajcinovic, D. (1995) Some Fundamental Issues in the Rate Theory of Damage-Elastoplasticity, Int. J. Plasticity, 11, 763-797. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Krajcinovic, D. (1995) Constitutive Structure of the Rate Theory of Damage in Brittle Elastic Solids, Appl. Math. Comput., 67, 81-101. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1993) On the Elastic Strain Energy Representation of a Dislocated Body and Dislocation Equilibrium Conditions, J. of Elasticity, 32, 19-35. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Blume, J. A. and Needleman, A. (1993) An Analysis of Equilibrium Dislocation Distributions, Acta metall. mater., 41, 625-642. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Kouris, D. (1996) Stress Fields due to Dislocation Arrays at Interfaces, Mech. Mater., 23, 191-203. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1997) Energy Analysis of Dislocation Arrays Near Bimaterial Interfaces, Int. J. Solids Struct., 34, 1053-1073. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1998) Dislocation Arrays at the Interface Between an Epilayer and its Substrate, Math. Mech. Solids, 3, 411-431. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1999) On the Non-Uniqueness of Solution for Screw Dislocation in Multiply Connected Regions, J. Elasticity, 52, 289-292. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2003) The Stress Field for a Screw Dislocation Near Cavities and Straight Boundaries, Mater. Science Engng. A, 349, 327-334. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2003) The Effects of Couple Stresses on Dislocation Strain Energy, Int. J. Solids Struct., 40, 3807-3826. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Schneider, M. S., Kalantar, D. H., Remington, B. R. and Meyers, M. A. (2004) Void Growth by Dislocation Emission, Acta Materialia, 52, 1397-1408. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2006) Dislocation Equilibrium Conditions Revisited, Int. J. Solids Struct., 43, 3444-3458. [PDF] Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2006) A Variable Core Model and the Peierls Stress for the Mixed (Screw-Edge) Dislocation, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, Art. No. 151923. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2007) Configurational Force on a Lattice Dislocation and the Peierls Stress, Arch. Appl. Mech., 77, 147-154. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2007) On Atomic Disregistry, Misfit Energy, and the Peierls Stress of a Crystalline Dislocation, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 17, 35-61. [PDF]
Meyers, M. A., Traiviratana, S., Lubarda, V. A., Benson, D. J., Bringa, E. M. (2009) The Role of Dislocations in the Growth of Nanosized Voids in Ductile Failure of Metals, J. of Materials, 61, 35-41. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2011) Emission of Dislocations from Nanovoids under Combined Loading, Int. J. Plasticity, 27, 181-200. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2011) Image Force on a Straight Dislocation Emitted from a Cylindrical Void, Int. J. Solids Struct., 48, 648-660. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2016) On the Determination of Interaction Forces between Parallel Dislocations by the J Integral Evaluation, Cont. Mech. Thermodynamics, 28, 391-405. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2017) An Analysis of Edge Dislocation Pileups against a Circular Inhomogeneity or a Bimetallic Interface, Int. J. Solids Struct., 129, 146-155. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2018) A Pileup of Edge Dislocations against an Inclined Bimetallic Interface, Mech. Mater., 117, 32-40. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2018) Equilibrium Position of Screw Dislocation near Circular Inhomogeneity at the Tip of an Elastic Wedge, Meccanica, 53, 229-239. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2018) Determination of the Image Force on a Straight Dislocation in a Half-Space by the Barnett and Lothe Formula, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 22, 21-38. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2019) Dislocation Burgers Vector and the Peach-Koehler Force: A Review, J. Materials Research Tech., 8, 1550-1565. [PDF]
Materials Science Related Problems
Lubarda, V. A. (1997) New Estimates of the Third-Order Elastic Constants for Isotropic Aggregates of Cubic Crystals, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 45, 471-490. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1998) A Note on the Effective Lame Constants of Polycrystalline Aggregates of Cubic Crystals, J. Appl. Mech., 65, 769-770. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1999) Apparent Elastic Constants of Cubic Crystals and Their Pressure Derivatives, Int. J. Nonlin. Mech., 34, 5-11. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Meyers, M. A. (1999) On the Negative Poisson Ratio in Monocrystalline Zinc, Scripta Mater., 40, 975-977. [PDF]
Meyers, M. A., Vohringer, O. V., and Lubarda, V. A. (2001) The Onset of Twinning: A Constitutive Description, Acta materialia, 49, 4025-4039. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2003) On the Effective Lattice Parameter of Binary Alloys, Mech. Materials, 35, 53-68. [PDF]
Hofmann, D. C. and Lubarda, V. A. (2003) New Method for Determining Hexagonal Direction Indices and their Relationship to Crystallographic Directions, J. Appl. Crystall., 36, 23-28. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Meyers, M. A. (2003) On Plastic Void Growth in Strong Ductile Materials, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 15, 173-196. [PDF]
Meyers, M. A., Schneider, M. S., Kad, B. K., Gregori, F., Lubarda, V. A., Kalantar, D. H., and Remington, B. A. (2003) Laser Shock Compression of Copper Monocrystals: Mechanisms for Dislocation and Void Generation, J. Phys. IV France, 110, 851-856. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Schneider, M. S., Kalantar, D. H., Remington, B. R. and Meyers, M. A. (2004) Void Growth by Dislocation Emission, Acta Materialia, 52, 1397-1408. [PDF]
D vila, L. P., Erhart, P., Bringa, E. M., Meyers, M. A., Lubarda, V. A., Schneider, M. S., Becker, R., Kumar, M. (2005) Atomistic Modeling of Shock-Induced Void Collapse in Copper, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, Art. No. 161902. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2007) On Atomic Disregistry, Misfit Energy, and the Peierls Stress of a Crystalline Dislocation, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 17, 35-61. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Chen, M. C. (2008) On the Elastic Moduli and Compliances of Transversely Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials, J. Mech. Mater. Struct., 3, 153-171. [PDF]
Meyers, M. A., Traiviratana, S., Lubarda, V. A., Benson, D. J., Bringa, E. M. (2009) The Role of Dislocations in the Growth of Nanosized Voids in Ductile Failure of Metals, J. of Materials, 61, 35-41. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2011) Emission of Dislocations from Nanovoids under Combined Loading, Int. J. Plasticity, 27, 181-200. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Talke, K. A. (2011) Analysis of the Equilibrium Droplet Shape Based on an Ellipsoidal Droplet Model, Langmuir, 27, 10705-10713. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2012) Mechanics of a Liquid Drop Deposited on a Solid Substrate, Soft Matter, 8, 10288-10297. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2013) The Shape of Liquid Surface in a Uniformly Rotating Cylinder in the Presence of Surface Tension, Acta Mechanica, 224, 1365-1382. [PDF]
Fu, Y., Lubarda, V.A., Talke, F.E. (2016) The Effect of Diamond-Like Carbon Overcoat on the Tribological Performance of the Dimple/Gimbal Interface in Hard Disk Drives, Journal of Tribology, 138, Art. No. 141901. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2019) Dislocation Burgers Vector and the Peach-Koehler Force: A Review, J. Materials Research Tech., 8, 1550-1565. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda M.V. (2023) On the Anion and Cation Positions Within and Nearby R(10-12), S(20-24), and P(10-14) Planes of alpha-Al2O3 Corundum Structure, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 106, 2008-2023. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Hoger, A. (2002) On the Mechanics of Solids with a Growing Mass, Int. J. Solids Struct., 39, 4627-4664. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2004) Constitutive Theories Based on the Multiplicative Decomposition of Deformation Gradient: Thermoelasticity, Elastoplasticity and Biomechanics, Appl. Mech. Rev., 57, 95-108. [PDF]
Hoger, A., Van Dyke, T. J. and Lubarda, V. A. (2004) Symmetrization of the Growth Deformation and Velocity Gradients in Residually Stressed Biomaterials, Z. angew. Math. Phys., 55, 848-860. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Marzani, A. (2009) Viscoelastic Response of Thin Me mbranes with Application to Red Blood Cells, Acta Mechanica, 202, 1-16. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2010) Constitutive Analysis of Thin Biological Membranes with Application to Radial Stretching of a Hollow Circular Membrane, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 58, 860-873. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2011) Rate Theory of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity for an Erythrocyte Membrane, J. Mech. Mater. Struct., 6, 361-376. [PDF]
Novitskaya, E., Chen, P.-Y., Lee, S., Castra-Cesena, A., Hirata, G., Lubarda, V. A., McKittrick, J. (2011) Anisotropy in the Compressive Mechanical Properties of Bovine Cortical Bone and the Mineral and Protein Constituents, Acta Biomaterialia, 7, 3170-3177. [PDF]
Novitskaya, E., Chen, P.-Y., Hamed, E., Li, Y., Lubarda, V. A., Jasiuk, I., McKittrick, J. (2011) Recent Advances on the Measurement and Calculation of the Elastic Moduli of Cortical and Trabecular Bone: A Review, Theor. Appl. Mech., 38/3, 209-297. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Novitskaya, E., McKittrick, J., Bodde, S. G., Chen, P.-Y. (2012) Elastic Properties of Cancellous Bone in Terms of Elastic Properties of its Mineral and Protein Phases with Application to their Osteoporotic Degradation, Mech. Materials, 44, 139-150. [PDF]
Bezares, J., Asaro, R. J., Lubarda, V. A. (2012) Core Structure of Aligned Chitin Fibers within the Interlamellar Framework extracted from Haliotis Rufescens Nacre. Part I: Implications for Growth and Mechanical Response, Theor. Appl. Mech., 39/4, 343-363. [PDF]
Novitskaya, E., Lee, S., Lubarda, V.A., McKittrick, J. (2013) Initial Anisotropy in Demineralized Bovine Cortical Bone in Compressive Cyclic Loading-Unloading, Mater. Science Eng. C: Mater. Biolog. Appl., 33, 817-823. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Asaro, R. J. (2014) Viscoelastic Response of Anisotropic Biological Membranes. Part II: Constitutive Models, Theor. Appl. Mech., 41, 213-231. [PDF]
Sullivan, T.N., Pissarenko, A., Herrera, S.A, Kisailus, D., Lubarda, V.A., Meyers, M.A. (2016) A Lightweight Biological Composite with Tailored Stiffness: The Feather Vane, Acta Biomaterialia, 41, 27-39. [PDF]
Huang, W., Hongjamrassilp, W., Jung, J.-Y., Hastings, P.A., Lubarda, V.A., McKittrick, J. (2017) Structure and Mechanical Implications of the Pectoral Fin Skeleton in the Longnose Skate (Chondrichthyes, Batoidea), Acta Biomaterialia, 51, 393-407. [PDF]
Su, F.Y., Bushong, E.A., Deerinck, T.J., Seo, K., Herrera, S., Graeve, O.A., Kisailus, D., Lubarda, V.A., McKittrick, J. (2017) Spines of the Porcupine Fish: Structure Composition, and Mechanical Properties, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 73, 38-49. [PDF]
Novitskaya, E., Ruestes, C., Porter, M.M., Lubarda, V.A., Meyers, M.A., McKittrick, J. (2017) Analysis of Reinforcing Struts in Avian Wing Bones: Experiments and Modeling, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 76, 85-96. [PDF]
DeVivo, L., Matsushita, A.K., Kupor, D., Luna, J., Tierra, B., Sah, R., Lubarda, V.A., Meyers, M.A., McKittrick, J., Krysl, P., Kuester, F. (2020) Cholla Cactus Frames as Lightweight and Torsionally Tough Biological Materials,Acta Biomaterialia, 112, 213-224.
Morris, K., Lubarda, V.A., Talke, F.E. (2020) Design of an Esophageal Deflection Device for Use During Atrial Ablation Procedures, J. Mater. Research Techn., 9, 13801-13812.
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda, V.A. (2021) On the Motion of an Evaporating Respiratory Droplet, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 25, 1-26.
Configurational Mechanics
Lubarda, V. A. (1993) On the Elastic Strain Energy Representation of a Dislocated Body and Dislocation Equilibrium Conditions, J. of Elasticity, 32, 19-35. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (1998) On the Absence of Eshelby Property for Non-Ellipsoidal Inclusions, Int. J. Solids Struct., 35, 3405-3411. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (1998) On the Stress Field in Sliding Ellipsoidal Inclusions with Shear Eigenstrain, J. Appl. Mech., 65, 858-862. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Richmond, O. (1999) Second-Order Elastic Analysis of Dilute Distribution of Spherical Inclusions, Mech. Mater., 31, 1-8. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (1999) Energies of Circular Inclusions with Sliding and Bonded Interfaces, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 455, 961-974. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (1999) Configurational Forces and Conservation Laws in Couple Stress Elasticity, Integration of Material, Process and Product Design - Anniversary Volume in Honor of Dr. Owen Richmond, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 53-58. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2000) Conservation Integrals in Couple Stress Elasticity, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 48, 553-564. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff (2003) On Conservation Integrals in Micropolar Elasticity, Phil. Mag. A, 83, 1365-1377. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2007) Configurational Force on a Lattice Dislocation and the Peierls Stress, Arch. Appl. Mech., 77, 147-154. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2007) Dual Conservation Integrals and Energy Release Rates, Int. J. Solids Struct., 44, 4079-4091. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2007) Complementary Energy Release Rates and Dual Conservation Integrals in Micropolar Elasticity, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 55, 2055-2072. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2008) The Energy Momentum Tensor in the Presence of Body Forces and the Peach-Koehler Force on a Dislocation, Int. J. Solids Struct., 45, 1536-1545. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2008) Dual Integrals in Small Strain Elasticity with Body Forces, C. R. Mecanique, 336, 190-202. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A., Talke, K. A. (2012) Configurational Forces and Shape of a Sessile Droplet on a Rotating Solid Substrate. Theor. Appl. Mech., 39/1, 27-54. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2012) Dual Eshelby Stress Tensors and Related Integrals in Micropolar Elasticity with Body Forces and Couples, Eur. J. Mechanics - A/Solids, 36, 9-17. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2015) Circular Inclusion near a Circular Void: Determination of Elastic Antiplane Shear Fields and Configurational Forces, Acta Mechanica, 226, 643-664. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2015) Interaction between Circular Inclusion and Void under Plain Strain Conditions, J. Mech. Mater. Struct., 10, 317-330. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2016) On the Determination of Interaction Forces between Parallel Dislocations by the J Integral Evaluation, Cont. Mech. Thermodynamics, 28, 391-405. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1986) On the Rate-Type Finite Elasticity Constitutive Law, Z. angew. Math. Mech. 66, 631-632. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1986) Finite Compression of Solids: Second Order Thermoelastic Analysis, Int. J. Solids Struct. 22, 1517-1524. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1988) On Minimum Weight Design and Shear Stresses in Thin-Walled Structures, Tehnika 1, 63-67.
Lubarda, V. A. (1993) A Simple Representation of the J Integral and Some Estimates of Elastic Stress Intensity Factors, J. Appl. Mech., 60, 29-32. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1993) On the Elastic Strain Energy Representation of a Dislocated Body and Dislocation Equilibrium Conditions, J. of Elasticity, 32, 19-35. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1997) Energy Analysis of Dislocation Arrays Near Bimaterial Interfaces, Int. J. Solids Struct., 34, 1053-1073. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1997) New Estimates of the Third-Order Elastic Constants for Isotropic Aggregates of Cubic Crystals, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 45, 471-490. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1998) Dislocation Arrays at the Interface Between an Epilayer and its Substrate, Math. Mech. Solids, 3, 411-431. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1998) A Note on the Effective Lame Constants of Polycrystalline Aggregates of Cubic Crystals, J. Appl. Mech., 65, 769-770. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1999) On the Non-Uniqueness of Solution for Screw Dislocation in Multiply Connected Regions, J. Elasticity, 52, 289-292. [PDF]
Vujosevic, L. and Lubarda, V. A. (2002) Finite-Strain Thermoelasticity Based on Multiplicative Decomposition of Deformation Gradient, Theor. Appl. Mech., 28/29, 379-399. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2003) The Effects of Couple Stresses on Dislocation Strain Energy, Int. J. Solids Struct., 40, 3807-3826. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2003) Circular Inclusions in Anti-Plane Strain Couple Stress Elasticity, Int. J. Solids Struct., 40, 3827-3851. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2004) Constitutive Theories Based on the Multiplicative Decomposition of Deformation Gradient: Thermoelasticity, Elastoplasticity and Biomechanics, Appl. Mech. Rev., 57, 95-108. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2004) On Thermodynamic Potentials in Linear Thermoelasticity, Int. J. Solids Struct., 41, 7377-7398. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2005) Mohr's Circles for Non-Symmetric Stresses and Couple Stresses, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 16, 25-37. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Markenscoff, X. (2006) Stress Magnification due to Stretching and Bending of Thin Ligaments Between Voids, Arch. Appl. Mech., 76, 295-310. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2008) On the Gibbs Conditions of Stable Equilibrium, Convexity and the Second-Order Variations of Thermodynamic Potentials in Nonlinear Thermoelasticity, Int. J. Solids Struct., 45, 48-63. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Chen, M. C. (2008) On the Elastic Moduli and Compliances of Transversely Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials, J. Mech. Mater. Struct., 3, 153-171. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2008) Thermodynamic Analysis Based on the Second-Order Variations of Thermodynamic Potentials, Theor. Appl. Mechanics, 35, 215-234. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2009) Remarks on Axially and Centrally Symmetric Elasticity Problems, Int. J. Eng. Science, 47, 642-647. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2009) On the Torsion Constant of Multicell Profiles and its Maximization with Respect to Spar Position, Thin-Walled Struct., 47, 798-806. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2011) Radial Stretching of a Thin Hollow Membrane: Biaxial Tension, Tension Field and Buckling Domains, Acta Mechanica, 217, 317-334. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2012) On Pressurized Curvilinearly Orthotropic Circular Disk, Cylinder and Sphere made of Radially Nonuniform Material, J. Elasticity, 109, 103-133. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2013) Circular Loads on the Surface of a Half-Space: Displacement and Stress Discontinuities Under the Load, Int. J. Solids Struct., 50, 1-14. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2014) Elastic Response of Curvilinearly Anisotropic Nonuniform Solid or Hollow Disk, Cylinder, and Sphere Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 20, 107-129. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2015) Determination of the Belt Force Before the Gross Slip, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 83, 31-37. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2015) On the Circumferential Shear Stress around Circular and Elliptical Holes, Arch. Appl. Mech., 85, 223-235. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2016) On the Kienzler-Duan Formula for the Hoop Stress around a Circular Void, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 21, 13-25. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2018) On Elastic Fields of Perfectly Bonded and Sliding Circular Inhomogeneities in an Infinite Matrix, Acta Mechanica, 229, 1597-1611. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda, M.V. (2020) On the Kelvin, Boussinesq and Mindlin Problems, Acta Mechanica, 231, 155-178.
[PDF] Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda, V.A. (2020) A Note on the Compatibility Equations for Three-Dimensional Axisymmetric Problems, Math. Mech. Solids, 25, 160-165. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda, M.V. (2020) Solving Lame's Problems by using Love's and Boussinesq's Potentials, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 24, 1-15. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda M.V. (2022) On the Curvature and Internal Stresses in a Multilayer Strip due to Uniform Heating, Electric Field, or Hydration, J. Therm. Stresses, 45, 245-265. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda V.A. (2022) Recursive Formulas for Curvature and Internal Stresses in Thermally Loaded Multilayer Strips, J. Therm. Stresses, 45, 266-281. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda, M.V. (2024) On the Depth of Cylindrical Indentation of an Elastic Half-Space for Different Types of Displacement Boundary Conditions, Eur. J. Mechanics A - Solids, 107, 105362.
Papers in Education Journals or Research Journals with Pedagogy Component
Lubarda, V. A. and Warren, T. L. (1996) One One Basic Half-Plane Elasticity Solution, Theor. Appl. Mech., 22, 41-48. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1998) A Note on the Effective Lame Constants of Polycrystalline Aggregates of Cubic Crystals, J. Appl. Mech., 65, 769-770. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (1999) On the Non-Uniqueness of Solution for Screw Dislocation in Multiply Connected Regions, J. Elasticity, 52, 289-292 (Classroom Note). [PDF]
Hofmann, D. C. and Lubarda, V. A. (2003) New Method for Determining Hexagonal Direction Indices and their Relationship to Crystallographic Directions, J. Appl. Crystall., 36, 23-28. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2009), Remarks on Axially and Centrally Symmetric Elasticity Problems, Int. J. Eng. Science, 47, 642-647. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2009) On the Gibbs Energy and Chemical Potentials of an Ideal Gas Mixture, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 18, 41-50. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2009) Dynamics of a Light Hoop with an Attached Heavy Disk: Inside an Interaction Pulse, J. Mech. Mater. Struct., 4, 1027-1040. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2010) The American System of Education and its Development with Recommendations for the Education in Montenegro until 2030. In: Education in XXI Century, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 1-26. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2010) The Bounds on the Coefficients of Restitution for the Frictional Impact of Rigid Pendulum Against a Fixed Surface, J. Appl. Mech., 77, 011006.1-011006.7. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. and Liu, Y. (2011) Areal Moments of Inertia Revisited: On the Distinction Between the Principal Directions, Arch. Appl. Mech., 81, 111-122. [PDF]
Djurovic, M., Lubarda, V. A. (2014) Engineering Education and the Bologna Process, IDEAS: Impact of Globalization on Engineering Education, 18, 103-110. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2014) The Mechanics of Belt Friction Revisited, Int. J. Mech. Eng. Edu., 42, 97-112. [PDF]
Lubarda, V. A. (2015) On the Circumferential Shear Stress around Circular and Elliptical Holes, Arch. Appl. Mech., 85, 223-235. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2015) Effects of a Frictionless Hinge on Internal Forces, Deflections, and Load Capacity of Beam Structures, Int. J. Mech. Eng. Education, 43, 209-232. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A. (2017) Forces on Straight Dislocations - Analysis with Examples J. Mater. Education, 39, 155-167. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda, M.V. (2020) On the Kelvin, Boussinesq and Mindlin Problems, Acta Mechanica, 231, 155-178. [PDF]
Lubarda, V.A., Lubarda, M.V. (2020) Solving Lame's Problems by using Love's and Boussinesq's Potentials, Proc. Monten. Acad. Sci., 24, 1-15. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda, V.A. (2021) An Analysis of Pendulum Motion in the Presence of Quadratic and Linear Drag, Eur. J. Physics, 42, 055014. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda V.A. (2022) A review of the analysis of wind-influenced projectile motion in the presence of linear and nonlinear drag force, Arch. Appl. Mech., 92, 1997-2017. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda V.A. (2023) On the Proofs of Orthogonality of Eigenfunctions for Heat Conduction, Wave Propagation, and Advection-Diffusion Problems, Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Techn., Classroom Note, available online. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda V.A. (2024) Inelastic Bouncing of a Spherical Ball in the Presence of Quadratic Drag with Application to Sports Balls, Proc. IMechE, Part P: J. Sports Eng. Techn., 238, 3-14. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda, V.A. (2024) A Note on the Solution to One-Dimensional Advection-Dispersion-Reaction Problems, Chem. Eng. Commun., 211, 689-696. [PDF]
Lubarda, M.V., Lubarda, V.A. (2024) Cables of a Prescribed Length Under Concentrated or Distributed Loads,
Int. J. Mech. Eng. Education, 52, in press (available online).