First AMES/MAE 101A class is Monday, July 3, 2000, in Warren Lecture Hall 206, 8:00-10:50 am.
Detailed information about the course schedule and problem assignments are given in the course outline.
First AMES/MAE 103A class is Monday, July 3, 2000,in University Center 413-2, 5:00-7:50 pm.
Detailed information about the course schedule and problem assignments are given in the course outline.
Design project DP3.1 is due July 24, and DP6.1 is due at the final
August 4.
Problem Sessions are held by Pak-Tao
Leung in Warren Lecture Hall 2113, 3-5 pm Tuesday and Warren Lecture
Hall 2214, 11-1pm Saturday (or by appointment). Solutions
to problem sets are here.
Mathematics notes. Page 1,
2, 3, 4,
5, 6. Pdf file of math notes.
Lectures will follow those from 1996.
Homework hints will too.
Final Grades
MAE 101a
MAE 103a
1. Due week 2
2. Due week 3 (DP1 week 4)
3. Due week 4
4. Due week 5 (DP2 due at final)
5. Due at final
Final exams and other class materials can be picked up at the Summer Session office.