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"Neutron-producing gas puff Z-pinch experiments on a fast, low-impedance, 0.5 MA linear transformer driver"
F. Conti, A. Williams, H. U. Rahman, V. Fadeev, D. P. Higginson, A. Youmans, N. Aybar, E. Ruskov, and F. N. Beg, J. Appl. Phys. 136, 095901 (2024).

"Laboratory evidence of the nonresonant streaming instability in the formation of quasiparallel collisionless shocks at high Alfvénic Mach number"
S. Bolaños , M. J.-E. Manuel , M. Bailly-Grandvaux, A. S. Bogale , D. Caprioli , S. R. Klein , D. Michta, P. Tzeferacos and F. N. Beg , Phys. Rev. E. 110, L033201 (2024).

"A deep learning approach to fast analysis of collective Thomson scattering spectra"
M. Pokornik, D. P. Higginson, G. Swadling ,D. Larson, K. Moczulski, B. Pollock, E. Tubman, P. Tzeferacos, H. S. Park, F. Beg, A. Arefiev, M. Manuel, Phys. Plasmas 31, 072115 (2024).

"Laser pulse-length dependent ablation and shock generation in silicon at 5×1014 W/cm 2 intensities"
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, E. N. Hahn, T. R. Joshi, K. Werellapatha, T. Cordova, R. E. Turner, J. E. Garay, R. B. Spielman, J. K. Wicks, and F. N. Beg, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033053 (2024).

"Computational study of laser-produced plasma, EUV generation, and the impact of magnetic fields"
J. Kim, M. Bally-Grandvaux and F. N. Beg, AIP Advances 14,065123 (2024).

"PANDA-FES: Portable and Adaptable Neutron Diagnostics for Advancing Fusion Energy Science"
A. E. Youmans , J. M. Mitrani, M. McMahon, A. T. Jibodu , C. S. Goyon , C. M. Cooper , B. L. Goldblum , T. A. Laplace , J. A. Brown, F. Conti , A. Williams, F. N. Beg , E. Ruskov, B. J. Levitt , A. R. Johanssen, U. Shumlak , P. E. Tsai ,and D. P. Higginson, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 10.1109/TPS.2024.3396427 (2024).

"Laser-driven quasi-static B-fields for magnetized high-energy-density experiments"
C. Vlachos, V. Ospina-Bohorquez, P. W. Bradford, G. Perez-Callejo, M. Ehret, P. Guillon, M. Lendrin, X. Vaisseau, B. Albertazzi, E. Soussan, M. Koenig, S. Malko, C. Kaur, M. Gjevre, R. Fedosejevs, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, C. A. Walsh, R. Florido, F. Suzuki-Vidal, C. McGuffey, J. Saret, F. N. Beg, T. Chodukowski, T. Pisarczyk, Z. Rusiniak, J. Dostal, R. Dudzak, A. Calisti, S. Ferri, L. Volpe, N. C. Woolsey, L. Gremillet, V. Tikhonchuk and J. J. Santos, Physics of Plasmas 31,032702 (2024).

"Geometry effects on energy selective focusing of laser-driven protons with open and closed hemisphere-cone targets"
M. King, A. Higginson, C. McGuffey, R. Wilson, G. Schaumann, T. Hodge, J. B. Ohland, S. Gales, M. P. Hill, S. F. Pitt, C. Spindloe, C. N. Danson, M. S. Wei, F. N. Beg, M. Roth, D. Neely, R. J. Gray and P. McKenna, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 66,015001 (2024).

"Comparison of excitation temperature of a laser-produced plasma by combining emission and absorption spectroscopy"
M. P. Polek, M. C. Phillips, F. N. Beg, S. S. Harilal, AIP Advances 14,025043 (2024).

"Impact of strong magnetization in cylindrical plasma implosions with applied B-field measured via X-ray emission spectroscopy"
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, R. Florido, C.A. Walsh, G. Pérez-Callejo, F.N. Beg, P. Bradford, M. Gigosos, R.C. Mancini, C. McGuffey, F. Suzuki-Vidal, C. Vlachos, and J.J. Santos, Physical Review Research 6, L012018 (2024).

"Observation of laser ablation of silicon as a function of pulse length at constant fluence via time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy "
T. R. Joshi, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, R. E. Turner, R. B. Spielman, J. E. Garay, F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 30, 122109 (2023).

"Geometry effects on energy selective focusing of laser-driven protons with open and closed hemisphere-cone targets"
M. King, A. Higginson, C. McGuffey, R. Wilson, G. Schaumann, T. Hodge, J.B. Ohland, S. Gales, M.P. Hill, S.F. Pitt, C. Spindloe, C.N. Danson, M.S. Wei, F.N. Beg, M. Roth, D. Neely, R.J. Gray, and P. McKenna, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66, 015001 (2023).

"Laser material interactions in tamped materials on picosecond time scales in aluminum"
S. Parsons, R.E. Turner, M. R. Armstrong, H.B. Radousky, J.E. Garay, and F.N. Beg, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 204102 (2023).

"Measurements of Neutrons Created in a Staged Z-Pinch With Krypton Liner and Deuterium Target at a 1-MA Pulsed Power Generator"
E. Ruskov, H.U. Rahman, F. Conti, J. Valenzuela, N. Aybar, and F.N. Beg, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , doi: 10.1109/TPS.2023.3322708 (2023).

"Structures of strong shocks in low-density helium and neon gases"
R. Hua, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, J. May, M. Sherlock, M. Dozières, C. McGuffey, Y. Ping, W. Mori, and F.N. Beg, Physical Review E 108, 035202 (2023).

"Role of initial conditions in plasma-current coupling of gas-puff Z-pinches"
N. Aybar, F. Conti, J. Narkis, and F.N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 30, 062706 (2023).

"Experimental and Theoretical Comparison of Ion Properties from Nanosecond Laser-Produced Plasmas of Metal Targets"
M.P. Polek, E.J. Kautz, T. Ahmed, B.R. Kowash, F.N. Beg, and S.S. Harilal, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 203301 (2023).

"Validation of magnetized gas-jet experiments to investigate the effects of an external magnetic field on laser-plasma instabilities"
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, B. Winjum, M. Manuel, S. Bolaños, C. Walsh, J. Saret, A. Bogale, R. Lee, F. Tsung, W. Mori, D. Froula, T. Filkins, and F. Beg, Journal of Plasma Physics 89(2), 175890201 (2023).

"Experimental evidence of early-time saturation of the ion-Weibel instability in counterstreaming plasmas of CH, Al, and Cu"
M.J.-E. Manuel, M.B.P. Adams, S. Ghosh, F.N. Beg, S. Bolaños, C.M. Huntington, R. Jonnalagadda, D. Kawahito, B.B. Pollock, B.A. Remington, J.S. Ross, D.D. Ryutov, H. Sio, G.F. Swadling, P. Tzeferacos, and H-S Park, Physical Review E 106, 055205 (2022).

"Current advances on Talbot–Lau x-ray imaging diagnostics for high energy density experiments"
M.P. Valdivia, G. Perez-Callejo, V. Bouffetier, G.W. Collins, C. Stoeckl, T. Filkins, C. Mileham, M. Romanofsky, I.A. Begishev, W. Theobald, S.R. Klein, M.K. Schneider, F.N. Beg, A. Casner, D. Stutman, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 115102 (2022).

"X-ray imaging and radiation transport effects on cylindrical implosions"
G. Pérez-Callejo, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, R. Florido, C.A. Walsh, M.A. Gigosos, F.N. Beg, C. McGuffey, R.C. Mancini, F. Suzuki-Vidal, C. Vlachos, P. Bradford, and J.J. Santos, Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 113542 (2022).

"Investigation of resistive magnetic field generation by intense proton beams in dense plasmas"
K. Bhutwala, J. Kim, C. McGuffey, M. Sherlock, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 29, 113103 (2022).

"Cylindrical implosion platform for the study of highly magnetized plasmas at Laser MegaJoule"
G. Pérez-Callejo, C. Vlachos, C. A. Walsh, R. Florido, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, X. Vaisseau, F. Suzuki-Vidal, C. McGuffey, F. N. Beg, P. Bradford, V. Ospina-Bohórquez, D. Batani, D. Raffestin, A. Colaïtis, V. Tikhonchuk, A. Casner, M. Koenig, B. Albertazzi, R. Fedosejevs, N. Woolsey, M. Ehret, A. Debayle, P. Loiseau, A. Calisti, S. Ferri, J. Honrubia, R. Kingham, R. C. Mancini, M. A. Gigosos, and J. J. Santos, Physical Review E 106, 035206 (2022).

"Effect of insulator length and fill pressure on filamentation and neutron production in a 4.6 kJ dense plasma focus"
E.N. Hahn, S. Ghosh, V. Eudave, J. Narkis, J. R. Angus, A.J. Link, F. Conti, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 29, 083508 (2022).

"Dependence of Plasma-Current Coupling on Current Rise Time in Gas-Puff Z-Pinches"
N.A. Aybar, F. Conti, M. Cvejić, D. Mikitchuk, M. Dozières, E. Kroupp, J. Narkis, Y. Maron, and F.N. Beg, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 50, 2541-2547 (2022).

"Optical diagnostics of laser-produced plasmas"
S.S. Harilal, M.C. Phillips, D.H. Froula, K.K. Anoop, R.C. Issac, and F.N. Beg, Reviews of Modern Physics 94, 035002 (2022).

"Transition to efficient, unsuppressed bulk-target ion acceleration via high-fluence laser irradiation"
D.P. Higginson, J. Kim, G.M. Petrov, D.C. Swift, J.A. Cobble, D.L. Bleuel, J.A. Frenje, V.Yu. Glebov, C. Stoeckl, J.M. McNaney, and F.N. Beg, Physical Review Research, 4, 033113 (2022).

"Effect of insulator length and fill pressure on filamentation and neutron production in a 4.6 kJ dense plasma focus"
E.N. Hahn, S. Ghosh, V. Eudave, J. Narkis, J.R. Angus, A.J. Link, F. Conti, F.N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas, 29, 083508 (2022).

"Absolute calibration of the conical crystal configuration of the zinc spectrometer (ZSPEC) at the OMEGA laser facility"
T. Cordova, M.J. MacDonald, T. Döppner, F.N. Beg, M. Dozieres, B. Kozioziemski, N.A. Pablant, C.M. Sorce, and N.G. Whiting, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 93, 083509 (2022).

"Efficient ion acceleration by multistaged intense short laser pulses"
J. Kim, S. Wilks, A. Kemp, M. Sherlock, T. Ma, F.N. Beg, and D. Mariscal, Physical Review Research 4, L032003 (2022).

"Transport of an intense proton beam from a cone-structured target through plastic foam with unique proton source modeling"
K. Bhutwala, C. McGuffey, W. Theobald, O. Deppert, J. Kim, P.M. Nilson, M.S. Wei, Y. Ping, M.E. Foord, H.S. McLean, P.K. Patel, A. Higginson, M. Roth, and F.N. Beg, Physical Review E 105, 055206 (2022).

"Wire, hybrid, and laser-cut X-pinches as Talbot–Lau backlighters for electron density diagnostics"
M.P. Valdivia, G.W. Collins IV, F. Conti, and F.N. Beg, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64, 035011 (2022).

"A laser parameter study on enhancing proton generation from microtube foil targets"
J. Strehlow, J. Kim, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, S. Bolaños, H. Smith, A. Haid, E.L. Alfonso, C. Aniculaesei, H. Chen, T. Ditmire, M.E. Donovan, S.B. Hansen, B.J. Hegelich, H.S. McLean, H.J. Quevedo, M.M. Spinks, and F.N. Beg, Scientific Reports 12, 10827 (2022).

"Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon"
S. Malko, W. Cayzac, V. Ospina-Bohórquez, K. Bhutwala, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, C. McGuffey, R. Fedosejevs, X. Vaisseau, An. Tauschwitz, J.I. Apiñaniz, D. De Luis Blanco, G. Gatti, M. Huault, J.A. Perez Hernandez, S.X. Hu, A.J. White, L.A. Collins, K. Nichols, P. Neumayer, G. Faussurier, J. Vorberger, G. Prestopino, C. Verona, J.J. Santos, D. Batani, F.N. Beg, L. Roso, and L. Volpe, Nature Communications 13, 2893 (2022).

"Exploring extreme magnetization phenomena in directly-driven imploding cylindrical targets"
C. Walsh, R. Florido, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, F. Suzuki-Vidal, J.P. Chittenden, A. Crilly, M.A. Gigosos, R. Mancini, G. Pérez-Callejo, C. Vlachos, C. McGuffey, F.N. Beg, and J.J. Santos, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 025007 (2022).

"Demonstration of TNSA proton radiography on the national ignition facility advanced radiographic capability (NIF-ARC) laser"
R.A. Simpson, D.A. Mariscal, J. Kim, G.G. Scott, G.J. Williams, E. Grace, C. McGuffey, S. Wilks, A. Kemp, N. Lemos, B.Z. Djordjevic, E. Folsom, D. Kalantar, R. Zacharias, B. Pollock, J. Moody, F.N. Beg, A. Morace, N. Iwata, Y. Sentoku, M. J.-E. Manuel, M. Mauldin, M. Quinn, K. Youngblood, M. Gatu-Johnson, B. Lahmann, C. Haefner, D. Neely, and T. Ma, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63, 124006 (2021).

"Mitigation of magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth in a triple-nozzle, neutron-producing gas-puff Z pinch"
J. Narkis, F. Conti, A. L. Velikovich, and F. N. Beg, Phys. Rev. E 104, L023201 (2021).

"Dynamics and energy coupling of gas puff Z-pinches on a fast linear transformer driver"
F. Conti, J. Narkis, A. Williams, V. Fadeev, and F. N. Beg, Journal of Applied Physics 130, 023301 (2021).

"Talbot-Lau x-ray deflectometer: Refraction-based HEDP imaging diagnostic"
M. P. Valdivia, D. Stutman, C. Stoeckl, W. Theobald, G. W. Collins IV, V. Bouffetier, M. Vescovi, C. Mileham, I. A. Begishev, S. R. Klein, R. Melean, S. Muller, J. Zou, F. Veloso, A. Casner, F. N. Beg, and S. P. Regan, Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 065110 (2021).

"Pump-depletion dynamics and saturation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in shock ignition relevant experiments"
S. Zhang, J. Li, C. M. Krauland, F. N. Beg, S. Muller, W. Theobald, J. Palastro, T. Filkins, D. Turnbull, D. Haberberger, C. Ren, R. Betti, C. Stoeckl, E. M. Campbell, J. Trela, D. Batani, R. H. H. Scott, and M. S. Wei, Physical Review E 103, 063208 (2021).

"Effect of insulator surface conditioning on the pinch dynamics and x-ray production of a Ne-filled dense plasma focus"
D. Housley, E. N. Hahn, J. Narkis, J. R. Angus, A. J. Link, F. Conti, and F. N. Beg, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 223303 (2021).

"Azimuthal magnetic field distribution in gas-puff Z-pinch implosions with and without external magnetic stabilization"
N. Aybar, M. Dozieres, D. B. Reisman, M. Cvejic, D. Mikitchuk, F. Conti, E. Kroupp, R. Doron, Y. Maron, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 103, 053205 (2021).

"The effects of laser pulse length and collisional ionization on the acceleration of titanium ions"
J. Strehlow, D. Kawahito, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, F. N. Beg, and G. M. Petrov, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63, 065011 (2021).

"A quasi-monoenergetic short time duration compact proton source for probing high energy density states of matter"
J. I. Apiñaniz, S. Malko, R. Fedosejevs, W. Cayzac, X. Vaisseau, D. de Luis, G. Gatti, C. McGuffey, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, K. Bhutwala, V. Ospina-Bohorquez, J. Balboa, J. J. Santos, D. Batani, F. Beg, L. Roso, J. A. Perez-Hernandez, and L. Volpe, Scientific Reports 11, 6881 (2021).

"Electron acceleration at oblique angles via stimulated Raman scattering at laser irradiance >1016 W cm−2μm2"
A. Higginson, S. Zhang, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, C. McGuffey, K. Bhutwala, B. J. Winjum, J. Strehlow, B. Edghill, M. Dozières, F. S. Tsung, R. Lee, S. Andrews, S. J. Spencer, N. Lemos, F. Albert, P. King, M. S. Wei, W. B. Mori, M. J.-E Manuel, and F. N. Beg, Phys. Rev. E 103, 033203 (2021).

"Direct comparison of wire, foil, and hybrid X-pinches on a 200kA, 150ns current driver"
G. W. Collins IV, M. P. Valdivia, S. B. Hansen, F. Conti, L. C. Carlson, D. A. Hammer, A. Elshafiey, J. Narkis, and F. N. Beg, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 073301 (2021).

"Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a megaampere-class Kr-doped deuterium dense plasma focus"
J. Narkis, E. N. Hahn, D. R. Lowe, D. Housley, F. Conti, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 18, 022707 (2021).

"Dynamic focusing of laser driven positron jets by self-generated fields"
J. Kim, A. Link, D. Canning, P. Fitzsimmons, J. A. Fooks, S. Kerr, T. Ma, M. J-E. Manuel, D. Mariscal, R. Wallace, G. J. Williams , L. Willingale, F. N. Beg and H. Chen, New Journal of Physics 22, 123020 (2020).

"Effect of krypton admixture in deuterium on neutron yield in a megaampere dense plasma focus"
E. N. Hahn, D. Housley, J. Narkis, F. Conti, D. R. Lowe, and F. N. Beg, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 143302 (2020).

"MA-class linear transformer driver for Z-pinch research"
F. Conti , J. C. Valenzuela, V. Fadeev, N. Aybar, D. B. Reisman, A. Williams, G. Collins IV, J. Narkis , M. P. Ross, F. N. Beg, and R. B. Spielman, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23, 090401 (2020).

"Fast electron transport dynamics and energy deposition in magnetized, imploded cylindrical plasma"
D. Kawahito, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, M. Dozières, C. McGuffey, P. Forestier-Colleoni, J. Peebles, J. J. Honrubia, B. Khiar, S. Hansen, P. Tzeferacos, M. S. Wei, C. M. Krauland, P. Gourdain, J. R. Davies, K. Matsuo, S. Fujioka, E. M. Campbell, J. J. Santos, D. Batani, K. Bhutwala, S. Zhang, and F. N. Beg, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379, 20200052 (2020).

"Development of a platform at the Matter in Extreme Conditions end station for characterization of matter heated by intense laser-accelerated protons"
K. Bhutwala, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, J. Kim, M. Dozières, E. Galtier, C. B. Curry, M. Gauthier, E. Cunningham, H. J. Lee, P. Forestier-Colleoni, A. Higginson, N. Aybar, R. Hua, B. Edghill, J. Strehlow, G. M. Dyer, S. H. Glenzer, J. B. Kim, N. Alexander, E. D. Rio, M. S. Wei, Y. Ping, A. McKelvey, G. W. Collins, F. N. Beg, and C. McGuffey, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48, 2751 (2020).

"Ion acceleration from microstructured targets irradiated by high-intensity, picosecond laser pulses"
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, D. Kawahito, C. McGuffey, J. Strehlow, B. Edghill, M.S. Wei, N. Alexander, A. Haid, C. Brabetz, V. Bagnoud, R. Hollinger, M.G. Capeluto, J.J. Rocca, and F.N. Beg, Physical Review E. 102, 021201 (2020).

"Focussing Protons from a Kilojoule Laser for Intense Beam Heating using Proximal Target Structures"
C. McGuffey, J. Kim, M.S. Wei, P.M. Nilson, S.N. Chen, J. Fuchs, P. Fitzsimmons, M.E. Foord, D. Mariscal, H.S. McLean, P.K. Patel, R.B. Stephens, F.N. Beg, Scientific Reports 10, 9415 (2020).

"Transport of kJ-laser-driven relativistic electron beams in cold and shock-heated vitreous carbon and diamond"
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, J. Kim, C. M. Krauland, S. Zhang, M. Dozières, M. S. Wei, W. Theobald, P. E. Grabowski, J. J. Santos, Ph. Nicolaï, P. McKenna, M. P. Desjarlais and F. N. Beg, New Journal of Physics 22, 033031 (2020).

"Pump depletion and hot-electron generation in long-density-scale-length plasma with shock-ignition high-intensity laser"
J. Li, S. Zhang, C. M. Krauland, H. Wen, F. N. Beg, C. Ren, and M. S. Wei, Physical Review E 101, 033206 (2020).

"Role of collisionality and radiative cooling in supersonic plasma jet collisions of different materials"
G. W. Collins, IV, J. C. Valenzuela, C. A. Speliotopoulos, N. Aybar, F. Conti, F. N. Beg, P. Tzeferacos, B. Khiar, A. F. A. Bott, and G. Gregori, Physical Review E 101, 023205 (2020).

"Plasma mirror focal spot quality for glass and aluminum mirrors for laser pulses up to 20 ps"
B. Edghill, P. Forestier-Colleoni, J. Park, A. Rubenchik, F. N. Beg, and T. Ma, Optics Letters 45, 1228 (2020).

"Experimental study of hot electron generation in shock ignition relevanthigh-intensity regime with large scale hot plasmas"
S. Zhang, C. M. Krauland, J. Peebles, J. Li, F. N. Beg, N. Alexander, W. Theobald, R. Betti, D. Haberberger, E. M. Campbell, R. Yan, E. Borwick, C. Ren, and M. S. Wei, Physics of Plasmas 27, 023111 (2020).

"Characterization of an imploding cylindrical plasma for electron transport studies using X-ray emission spectroscopy"
M. Dozières, S. Hansen, P. Forestier-Colleoni, C. McGuffey, D. Kawahito, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, K. Bhutwala, C. M. Krauland, M. S. Wei, P. Gourdain, J. R. Davies, K. Matsuo, S. Fujioka, E. M. Campbell, J. L. Peebles, J. J. Santos, D. Batani, S. Zhang, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 27, 023302 (2020).

"Laser reflection as a catalyst for direct laser acceleration in multipicosecond laser-plasma interaction"
K. Weichman, A. P. L. Robinson, F. N. Beg, and A. V. Arefiev, Physics of Plasmas 27, 013106 (2020).

"Study of stability in a liner-on-target gas puff Z-pinch as a function of pre-embedded axial magnetic field"
F. Conti, N. Aybar, J. Narkis, J. C. Valenzuela, H. U. Rahman, E. Ruskov, E. Dutra, S. Haque, A. Covington, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 27, 012702 (2020).

"Self-Generated Magnetic and Electric Fields at a Mach-6 Shock Front in a Low Density Helium Gas by Dual-Angle Proton Radiography"
R. Hua, J. Kim, M. Sherlock, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, F. N. Beg, C. McGuffey, S. Wilks, H. Wen, A. Joglekar, W. Mori, and Y. Ping, Physical Review Letters 123, 215001 (2019).

"Heat-release equation of state and thermal conductivity of warm dense carbon by proton differential heating"
Yuan Ping, Heather D. Whitley, Andrew McKelvey, Gregory E. Kemp, Phillp A. Sterne, Ronnie Shepherd, Marty Marinak, Rui Hua, Farhat N. Beg, and Jon H. Eggert, Physical Review E 100, 043204 (2019).

"Laser-driven acceleration of quasi-monoenergetic, near-collimated titanium ions via a transparency-enhanced acceleration scheme"
J. Li, P. Forestier-Colleoni, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, C. McGuffey, A.V. Arefiev, S.S. Bulanov, J. Peebles, C. Krauland, A.E. Hussein, T. Batson, J.C. Fernandez, S. Palaniyappan, R.P. Johnson, G.M. Petrov, and F.N. Beg, New Journal of Physics 21, 103005 (2019).

"The response function of Fujifilm BAS-TR imaging plates to laser-accelerated titanium ions"
J. Strehlow, P. Forestier-Colleoni, C. McGuffey, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, T. S. Daykin, E. McCary, J. Peebles, G. Revet, S. Zhang, T. Ditmire, M. Donovan, G. Dyer, J. Fuchs, E. W. Gaul, D. P. Higginson, G. E. Kemp, M. Martinez, H. S. McLean, M. Spinks, H. Sawada, and F. N. Beg, Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 083302 (2019).

"Ar and Kr on deuterium gas-puff staged Z-pinch implosions on a 1-MA driver: Experiment and simulation"
H. U. Rahman, E. Ruskov, P. Ney, F. Conti, J. C. Valenzuela, N. Aybar, J. Narkis, F. N. Beg, E. Dutra, and A. Covington, Physics of Plasmas 26, 052706 (2019).

"First demonstration of ARC-accelerated proton beams at the National Ignition Facility"
D. Mariscal, T. Ma, S. C. Wilks, A. J. Kemp, G. J. Williams, P. Michel, H. Chen, P. K. Patel, B. A. Remington, M. Bowers, L. Pelz, M. R. Hermann, W. Hsing, D. Martinez, R. Sigurdsson, M. Prantil, A. Conder, J. Lawson, M. Hamamoto, P. Di Nicola, C. Widmayer, D. Homoelle, R. Lowe-Webb, S. Herriot, W. Williams, D. Alessi, D. Kalantar, R. Zacharias, C. Haefner, N. Thompson, T. Zobrist, D. Lord, N. Hash, A. Pak, N. Lemos, M. Tabak, C. McGuffey, J. Kim, F. N. Beg, M. S. Wei, P. Norreys, A. Morace, N. Iwata, Y. Sentoku, D. Neely, G. G. Scott, and K. Flippo, Physics of Plasmas 26, 043110 (2019).

"Monochromatic 2D Kα Emission Images Revealing Short-Pulse Laser Isochoric Heating Mechanism"
H. Sawada, Y. Sentoku, T. Yabuuchi, U. Zastrau, E. Förster, F. N. Beg, H. Chen, A. J. Kemp, H. S. McLean, P. K. Patel, and Y. Ping, Physical Review Letters 122, 155002 (2019).

"Optimization of laser-nanowire target interaction to increase the proton acceleration efficiency"
M. Dozières, G. M. Petrov, P. Forestier-Colleoni, P. Campbell, K. Krushelnick, A. Maksimchuk, C. McGuffey, V. Kaymak, A. Pukhov, M.G. Capeluto, R. Hollinger, V.N. Shlyaptsev, J. J. Rocca, and F. N. Beg, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61, 065016 (2019).

"A semi-analytic model of gas-puff liner-on-target magneto-inertial fusion"
J. Narkis, H. U. Rahman, J. C. Valenzuela, F. Conti, R. D. McBride, D. Venosa, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 26, 032708 (2019).

"Effect of Target Material on Relativistic Electron Beam Transport"
S. Chawla, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, H.S. McLean, P.K. Patel, M.S. Wei, and F.N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 26, 033111 (2019).

"Ionization injection of highly-charged copper ions for laser driven acceleration from ultra-thin foils"
J. Li, A. V. Arefiev, S. S. Bulanov, D. Kawahito, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, G. M. Petrov, C. McGuffey, and F. N. Beg, Scientific Reports 9, 666 (2019).

"Characterization of fast electron divergence and energy spectrum from modeling of angularly resolved bremsstrahlung measurements"
T. S. Daykin, H. Sawada, Y. Sentoku, F. N. Beg, H. Chen, H. S. McLean, A. J. Link, P. K. Patel, and Y. Ping Physics of Plasmas 25, 123103 (2018).

"Anomalous material-dependent transport of focused, laser-driven proton beams"
J. Kim, C. McGuffey, D. C. Gautier, A. Link, G. E. Kemp, E. M. Giraldez, M. S. Wei, R. B. Stephens, S. Kerr, P. L. Poole, R. Madden, B. Qiao, M. E. Foord, Y. Ping, H. S. McLean, J. C. Fernández, and F. N. Beg, Scientific Reports 8, 17538 (2018).

"High-angle deflection of the energetic electrons by a voluminous magnetic structure in near-normal intense laser-plasma interactions"
J. Peebles, A. V. Arefiev, S. Zhang, C. McGuffey, M. Spinks, J. Gordon, E. W. Gaul, G. Dyer, M. Martinez, M. E. Donovan, T. Ditmire, J. Park, H. Chen, H. S. McLean, M. S. Wei, S. I. Krasheninnikov, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 98, 053202 (2018).

"A Primer on Pulsed Power and Linear Transformer Drivers for High Energy Density Physics Applications"
R. D. McBride, W. A. Stygar, M. E. Cuneo, D. B. Sinars, M. G. Mazarakis, J. J. Leckbee, M. E. Savage, B. T. Hutsel, J. D. Douglass, M. L. Kiefer, B. V. Oliver, G. R. Laity, M. R. Gomez, D. A. Yager-Elorriaga, S. G. Patel, B. M. Kovalchuk, A. A. Kim, P. -A. Gourdain, S. N. Bland, S. Portillo, S. C. Bott-Suzuki, F. N. Beg, Y. Maron, R. B. Spielman, D. V. Rose, D. R. Welch, J. C. Zier, J. W. Schumer, J. B. Greenly, A. M. Covington, A. M. Steiner, P. C. Campbell, S. M. Miller, J. M. Woolstrum, N. B. Ramey, A. P. Shah, B. J. Sporer, N. M. Jordan, Y. Y. Lau, and R. M. Gilgenbach, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46, 3928 (2018).

"Intrinsic resolution limits of monolithic organic scintillators for use in rep-rated proton imaging"
M.J.-E. Manuel, J. Strehlow, J.S. Green, D. Parker, E.L. Alfonso, J. Jaquez, L. Carlson, D. Neely, F.N. Beg, T.Ma, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 913, 103 (2018).

"Reduced fast electron transport in shock-heated plasma in multilayer targets due to self-generated magnetic fields"
C. McGuffey, J. May, T. Yabuuchi, H. Sawada, M-S. Wei, R. B. Stephens, C. Stoeckl, W. B. Mori, H. S. McLean, P. K. Patel, F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 98, 033208 (2018).

"Experimental evidence for the enhanced and reduced stopping regimes for protons propagating through hot plasmas"
S. N. Chen, S. Atzeni, T Gangolf, M. Gauthier, D. P. Higginson, R. Hua, J. Kim, F. Mangia, C. McGuffey, J.-R. Marquès, R. Riquier, H. Pépin, R. Shepherd, O. Willi, F. N. Beg, C. Deutsch, and J. Fuchs, Scientific Reports 8, 14586 (2018).

"Characterization of a liner-on-target gas injector for Staged Z-pinch experiments"
F. Conti, J. C. Valenzuela, N. Aybar, F. J. Wessel, M. P. Ross, J. Narkis, H. U. Rahman, E. Ruskov, and F. N. Beg, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46, 3855 (2018).

"Computational modeling of proton acceleration with multi-picosecond and high energy, kilojoule, lasers"
J. Kim, A. J. Kemp, S. C. Wilks, D. H. Kalantar, S. Kerr, D. Mariscal, F. N. Beg, C. McGuffey, and T.Ma, Physics of Plasmas 25, 083109 (2018).

"Soft X-ray backlighter source driven by a short-pulse laser for pump-probe characterization of warm dense matter"
C. McGuffey, M. Dozières, J. Kim, A. Savin, J. Park, J. Emig, C. Brabetz, L. Carlson, R. F. Heeter, H. S. McLean, J. Moody, M. B. Schneider, M. S. Wei, and F. N. Beg, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 10F122 (2018).

"Measurement of temperature and density using non-collective X-ray Thomson scattering in pulsed power produced warm dense plasmas"
J. C. Valenzuela, C. Krauland, D. Mariscal, I. Krasheninnikov, C. Niemann, T. Ma, P. Mabey, G. Gregori, P. Wiewior, A. M. Covington, and F. N. Beg, Scientific Reports 8, 8432 (2018).

"Enhanced Hot-Electron Production and Strong-Shock Generation in Hydrogen-Rich Ablators for Shock Ignition"
W. Theobald, A. Bose, R. Yan, R. Betti, M. Lafon, D. Mangino, A. R. Christopherson, C. Stoeckl, W. Seka, W. Shang, D. T. Michel, C. Ren, R. C. Nora, A. Casner, J. Peebles, F. N. Beg, X. Ribeyre, E. Llor Aisa, A. Colaïtis, V. Tikhonchuk, and M. S. Wei, Physics of Plasmas 24, 120702 (2017).

"Injector design for liner-on-target gas-puff experiments"
J. C. Valenzuela, I. Krasheninnikov, F. Conti, F. Wessel, V. Fadeev, J. Narkis, M. Ross, H. U. Rahman, E. Ruskov, and F. N. Beg, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 113509 (2017).

"Investigation of magnetic flux transport and shock formation in a Staged Z-pinch"
J. Narkis, H. U. Rahman, F. J. Wessel, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasma 24, 102514 (2017).

"Transport and spatial energy deposition of relativistic electrons in copper-doped fast ignition plasmas"
L. C. Jarrott, C. McGuffey, F. N. Beg, A. A. Solodov, W. Theobald, B. Qiao, C. Stoeckl, R. Betti, H. Chen, J. Delettrez, T. Döppner, E. M. Giraldez, V. Y. Glebov, H. Habara, T. Iwawaki, M. H. Key, R. W. Luo, F. J. Marshall, H. S. McLean, C. Mileham, P. K. Patel, J. J. Santos, H. Sawada, R. B. Stephens, T. Yabuuchi, and M. S. Wei, Physics of Plasma 24, 102710 (2017).

"Study of self-generated fields in strongly-shocked, low-density systems using broadband proton radiography"
R. Hua, H. Sio, S. C. Wilks, F. N. Beg, C. McGuffey, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, G. W. Collins, and Y. Ping, Applied Physics Letters 111, 034102 (2017).

"Thermal conductivity measurements of proton-heated warm dense aluminum"
A. McKelvey, G. E. Kemp, P. A. Sterne, A. Fernandez-Panella, R. Shepherd, M. Marinak, A. Link, G. W. Collins, H. Sio, J. King, R. R. Freeman, R. Hua, C. McGuffey, J. Kim, F. N. Beg, and Y. Ping, Scientific Reports 7, 7015 (2017).

"Heavy ion acceleration in the radiation pressure acceleration and breakout afterburner regimes"
G. M. Petrov, C. McGuffey, A. G. R. Thomas, K. Krushelnick and F. N. Beg, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59, 075003 (2017).

"Collimated Propagation of Fast Electron Beams Accelerated by High-Contrast Laser Pulses in Highly Resistive Shocked Carbon"
X. Vaisseau, A. Morace, M. Touati, M. Nakatsutsumi, S. D. Baton, S. Hulin, Ph. Nicolaï, R. Nuter, D. Batani, F. N. Beg, J. Breil, R. Fedosejevs, J.-L. Feugeas, P. Forestier-Colleoni, C. Fourment, S. Fujioka, L. Giuffrida, S. Kerr, H. S. McLean, H. Sawada, V. T. Tikhonchuk, and J. J. Santos, Physical Review Letters 118, 205001 (2017).

"Calibration and characterization of a highly efficient spectrometer in von Hamos geometry for 7-10 keV x-rays"
L. C. Jarrott, M. S. Wei, C. McGuffey, F. N. Beg, P. M. Nilson, C. Sorce, C. Stoeckl, W. Theoboald, H. Sawada, R. B. Stephens, P. K. Patel, H. S. McLean, O. L. Landen, S. H. Glenzer, and T. Döppner, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 043110 (2017).

"A broadband proton backlighting platform to probe shock propagation in low-density systems"
H. Sio, R. Hua, Y. Ping, C. McGuffey, F. Beg, R. Heeter, C. K. Li, R. D. Petrasso, and G. W. Collins, Reviews of Scientific Instruments 88, 013503 (2017).

"Investigation of Laser Pulse Length and Pre-Plasma Scale Length Impact on Hot Electron Generation on OMEGA-EP"
J. Peebles, M. S. Wei, A. V. Arefiev, C. McGuffey, R. B. Stephens, W. Theobald, D. Haberberger, L. C. Jarrott, A. Link, H. Chen, H. S. McLean, A. Sorokovikova, S. Krasheninnikov, F. N. Beg, New Journal of Physics 19, 023008 (2017).

"Shock formation in Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe on deuterium gas puff implosions"
J. Narkis, H. U. Rahman, P. Ney, M. P. Desjarlais, F. J. Wessel, F. Conti, J. C. Valenzuela, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 23, 122706 (2016).

"Target material dependence of positron generation from high intensity laser-matter interactions"
G. J. Williams, D. Barnak, G. Fiksel, A. Hazi, S. Kerr, C. Krauland, A. Link, M. J.-E. Manuel, S. R. Nagel, J. Park, J. Peebles, B. B. Pollock, F. N. Beg, R. Betti, and H. Chen, Physics of Plasmas 23, 123109 (2016).

"Acceleration of high charge-state target ions in high-intensity laser interactions with sub-micron target"
C. McGuffey, A. Raymond, T. Batson, R. Hua, G. M. Petrov, J. Kim, C. M. Krauland, A. Maksimchuk, A. G. R. Thomas, V. Yanovsky, K. Krushelnick and F. N. Beg, New Journal of Physics 18, 113032 (2016).

"Characterization of laser-cut copper foil X-pinches"
G.W. Collins IV, J.C. Valenzuela, S.B. Hansen, M.S. Wei, C.T. Reed, A.C. Forsman, and F.N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 23, 101212 (2016).

"Generation of heavy ion beams using femtosecond laser pulses in the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration and Radiation Pressure Acceleration regimes"
G. M. Petrov, C. McGuffey, A. G. R. Thomas, K. Krushelnick, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 23, 063108 (2016).

"Flash Kα radiography of laser-driven solid sphere compression for fast ignition"
H. Sawada, S. Lee, T. Shiroto, H. Nagatomo, Y. Arikawa, H. Nishimura, T. Ueda, K. Shigemori, A. Sunahara, N. Ohnishi, F. N. Beg, W. Theobald, F. Pérez, P. K. Patel, and S. Fujioka, Applied Physics Letters 108, 254101 (2016).

"Generation of superponderomotive electrons in multi-pico second interactions of kilo-Joule laser beams with solid- density plasmas"
A. Sorokovikova, A. V. Arefiev, C. McGuffey, B. Qiao, A. P. L. Robinson, M. S. Wei, H. S. McLean, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review Letters 116, 155001 (2016).

"Varying stopping and self-focusing of intense proton beams as they heat solid density matter"
J. Kim, C. McGuffey, B. Qiao, M. S. Wei, P. E. Grabowski and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 23, 043104 (2016).

"Nanoplasmas generated by intense radiation"
Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, Farhat Beg, and Andrew Ng, Review of Modern Physics 88, 011001 (2016).

"Proton acceleration from high-contrast short pulse lasers interacting with sub-micron thin foils"
G. M. Petrov, C. McGuffey, A. G. R. Thomas, K. Krushelnick and F. N. Beg, Journal of Applied Physics 119, 053302 (2016).

"Visualizing fast electron energy transport into laser- compressed high-density fast ignition targets"
L. C. Jarrott, M. S. Wei, C. McGuffey, A. A. Solodov, W. Theobald, B. Qiao, C. Stoeckl, R. Betti, H. Chen, J. Delettrez, T. Doeppner, E. M. Giraldez, V. Y. Glebov, H. Habara, T. Iwawaki, M. H. Key, R. W. Luo, F. J. Marshall, H. S. McLean, C. Mileham, P. K. Patel, J. J. Santos, H. Sawada, R. B. Stephens, T. Yabuuchi, and F. N. Beg, Nature Physics 12, 499 (2016).

"Impact of Pre-Plasma on Fast Electron Generation and Transport from Short Pulse, High Intensity Lasers"
J. Peebles, C. McGuffey, C. M. Krauland, L.C. Jarrott, A. Sorokovikova, M.S. Wei, J. Park, H. Chen, H.S. McLean, C. Wagner, M. Spinks, E. W. Gaul, G. Dyer, B.M. Hegelich, M. Martinez, M. Donovan, T. Ditmire, S. I. Krasheninnikov and F. N. Beg, Nuclear Fusion 56, 016007 (2016).

"High-contrast laser acceleration of relativistic electrons in solid cone-wire targets"
D. P. Higginson, A. Link, H. Sawada, S. C. Wilks, T. Bartal, S. Chawla, C. D. Chen, K. A. Flippo, L. C. Jarrott, M. H. Key, H. S. McLean, P. K. Patel, F. Perez, M. S. Wei, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 92, 063112 (2015).

"Self-Consistent Simulation of Transport and Energy Deposition of Intense Laser-Accelerated Proton Beams in Solid-Density Matter"
J. Kim, B. Qiao, C. McGuffey, M. S. Wei, P. E. Grabowski, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review Letters 115, 054801 (2015).

"Spherical strong-shock generation for shock-ignition inertial fusion"
W. Theobald, R. Nora, W. Seka, M. Lafon, K. S. Anderson, M. Hohenberger, F. J. Marshall, D. T. Michel, A. A. Solodov, C. Stoeckl, D. H. Edgell, B. Yaakobi, A. Casner, C. Reverdin, X. Ribeyre, A. Shvydky, A. Vallet, J. Peebles, F. N. Beg, M. S. Wei and R. Betti, Physics of Plasmas 22, 056310 (2015).

"Enhanced Relativistic-Electron-Beam Energy Loss in Warm Dense Aluminum"
X. Vaisseau, A. Debayle, J. J. Honrubia, S. Hulin, A. Morace , Ph. Nicola, H. Sawada, B. Vauzour, D. Batani, F. N. Beg, J. R. Davies, R. Fedosejevs, R. J. Gray, G. E. Kemp, S. Kerr , K. Li, A. Link, P. McKenna, H. S. McLean, M. Mo, P. K. Patel, J. Park, J. Peebles, Y. J. Rhee, A. Sorokovikova, V. T. Tikhonchuk, L. Volpe, M. Wei, and J. J. Santos Physical Review Letters 114, 095004 (2015).

"Gigabar Spherical Shock Generation on the OMEGA Laser"
R. Nora, W. Theobald, R. Betti, F. J. Marshall, D. T. Michel , W. Seka, B. Yaakobi, M. Lafon, C. Stoeckl, J. Delettrez, A. A. Solodov, A. Casner, C. Reverdin, X. Ribeyre, A. Vallet , J. Peebles, F. N. Beg, and M. S. Wei Physical Review Letters 114, 045001 (2015).

"Generation of high-energy mono-energetic heavy ion beams by radiation pressure acceleration of ultra- intense laser pulses"
D. Wu, B. Qiao, C. McGuffey, X. T. He, and F. N. Beg Physics of Plasmas 21, 123118 (2014).

"Time-resolved compression of a capsule with a cone to high density for fast-ignition laser fusion"
W. Theobald, A. A. Solodov, C. Stoeckl, K. S. Anderson, F. N. Beg, R. Epstein, G. Fiksel, E. M. Giraldez, V. Yu. Glebov , H. Habara, S. Ivancic, L. C. Jarrott, F. J. Marshall, G. McKiernan, H. S. McLean, C. Mileham, P. M. Nilson, P. K. Patel, F. Perez, T. C. Sangster, J. J. Santos, H. Sawada, A . Shvydky, R. B. Stephens, and M. S. Wei Nature Communications 5, 5785 (2014).

"Measurement of pulsed-power-driven magnetic fields via proton deflectometry"
D. Mariscal, C. McGuffey, J. Valenzuela, M. S. Wei, J. P. Chittenden, N. Niasse, R. Presura, S. Haque, M. Wallace, A. Arias, A. Covington, H. Sawada, P. Wiewior and F. N. Beg Applied Physics Letters 105, 224103 (2014).

"Counter-propagating plasma jet collision and shock formation on a compact current driver"
J.C. Valenzuela, G.W. Collins IV, T. Zick, J. Narkis, I. Krasheninnikov, F.N. Beg High Energy Density Physics 17, 140 (2014).

"Development of x-ray radiography for high energy density physics"
A. Morace, L. Fedeli, D. Batani, S. Baton, F. N. Beg, S. Hulin, L. C. Jarrott, A. Margarit, M. Nakai, M. Nakatsutsumi , P. Nicolai, N. Piovella, M. S. Wei, X. Vaisseau, L. Volpe, and J. J. Santos Physics of Plasmas 21, 102712 (2014).

"Investigation into the dynamics of laser-cut foil X-pinches and their potential use for high repetition rate operation"
G. W. Collins IV, M. P. Valdivia, T. O. Zick, J. Kim, D. M. Haas, A. C. Forsman, R. B. Stephens, and F. N. Beg Applied Physics Letters 105, 024101 (2014).

"Fast electron energy transport in solid density and compressed plasma"
P. Norreys, D. Batani, S. Baton, F. N. Beg, R. Kodama, P.M. Nilson, P. Patel, F. Perez, J.J. Santos, R.H.H. Scott, V.T. Tikhonchuk, M. Wei and J. Zhang Nuclear Fusion 54, 054004 (2014).

"Fast ignition with laser-driven proton and ion beams"
J. C. Fernández, B. J. Albright, F. N. Beg, M. E. Foord, B. M. Hegelich, J. J. Honrubia, M. Roth, R. B. Stephens and L. Yin Nuclear Fusion 54, 054006 (2014).

"Investigation of fast-electron-induced Kα x rays in laser-produced blow-off plasma"
H. Sawada, M. S. Wei, S. Chawla, A. Morace, K. Akli, T. Yabuuchi, N. Nakanii, M. H. Key, P. K. Patel, A. J. Mackinnon, H. S. McLean, R. B. Stephens, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 89, 033105 (2014).

"Unraveling resistive versus collisional contributions to relativistic electron beam stopping power in cold-solid and in warm-dense plasmas"
B. Vauzour, A. Debayle, X. Vaisseau, S. Hulin, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, D. Batani, S. D. Baton, J. J. Honrubia, Ph. Nicolai, F. N. Beg, R. Benocci, S. Chawla, M. Coury, F. Dorchies, C. Fourment, E. dHumieres, L. C. Jarrot, P. McKenna, Y. J. Rhee, V. T. Tikhonchuk, L. Volpe, V. Yahia, and J. J. Santos, Physics of Plasmas 21, 033101 (2014).

"Kα and bremsstrahlung x-ray radiation backlighter sources from short pulse laser driven silver targets as a function of laser pre-pulse energy"
L. C. Jarrott, A. J. Kemp, L. Divol, D. Mariscal, B. Westover, C. McGuffey, F. N. Beg, M. Suggit, C. Chen, D. Hey , B. Maddox, J. Hawreliak, H.-S. Park, B. Remington, M. S. Wei and A. MacPhee, Physics of Plasmas 21, 031211 (2014).

"Characterization of the fast electrons distribution produced in a high intensity laser target interaction"
B. Westover, C. D. Chen, P. K. Patel, H. McLean and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 21, 031212 (2014).

"Study of instability formation and EUV emission in thin liners driven with a compact 250kA, 150ns linear transformer driver"
J. C. Valenzuela, G. W. Collins IV, D. Mariscal, E. S. Wyndham and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 21, 031208 (2014).

"Preface to Special Topic Section: Radiation from High Energy Density Plasmas"
J. L. Giuliani, A. S. Safronova and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 21, 031101 (2014).

"Effect of defocusing on picosecond laser-coupling into gold cones"
I. A. Bush, A. G. R. Thomas, L. Gartside, S. Sarfraz, E. Wagenaars, J. S. Green, M. Notley, H. Lowe, C. Spindloe, T. Winstone, A. P. L. Robinson, R. Clarke, T. Ma, T. Yabuuchi, M. Wei, F. N. Beg, R. B. Stephens, A. MacPhee, A. J. MacKinnon, M. H. Key, W. Nazarov, M. Sherlock, and J. Pasley , Physics of Plasmas 21, 012702 (2014).

"Investigation of relativistic intensity laser generated hot electron dynamics via copper K alpha imaging and proton acceleration"
L. Willingale, A. G. R. Thomas, A. Maksimchuk, A. Morace, T. Bartal, J. Kim, R. B. Stephens, M. S. Wei, F. N. Beg, and K. Krushelnick, Physics of Plasmas 20, 123112 (2013).

"Generation of energetic (>15 MeV) neutron beams from proton- and deuteron-driven nuclear reactions using short pulse lasers"
G M Petrov, D P Higginson, J Davis, Tz B Petrova, C McGuffey , B Qiao and F N Beg, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 105009 (2013).

"Initial experimental evidence of self-collimation of target-normal-sheath-accelerated proton beam in a stack of conducting foils"
P. A. Ni, S. M. Lund, C. McGuffey, N. Alexander, B. Aurand, J. J. Barnard, F. N. Beg, C. Bellei, F. M. Bieniosek, C. Brabetz, R. H. Cohen, J. Kim, P. Neumayer, M. Roth, and B. G. Logan, Physics of Plasmas 20, 083111 (2013).

"Improved laser-to-proton conversion efficiency in isolated reduced mass targets"
A. Morace, C. Bellei, T. Bartal, L. Willingale, J. Kim, A. Maksimchuk, K. Krushelnick, M. S. Wei, P. K. Patel, D. Batani, N. Piovella, R. B. Stephens, and F. N. Beg, Applied Physics Letters 103, 054102 (2013).

"Collisional particle-in-cell modeling for energy transport accompanied by atomic processes in dense plasmas"
R. Mishra, P. Leblanc, Y. Sentoku, M. S. Wei, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 20, 072704 (2013).

"Supra-thermal electron beam stopping power and guiding in dense plasmas"
J. Santos, D. Batani, S. D. Baton, F. N. Beg, T. Ceccotti, A. Debayle, F. Dorchies, J.L. Feugeas, C. Fourment, L. Gremillet, J.J. Honrubia, S. Hulin, A. Morace, P. Nicola, F. Perez, H. Sawada, H.P. Schlenvoigt, V.T. Tikhonchuk, X. Vaisseau, B. Vauzour, and M. Wei, Journal of Plasma Physics released online (2013).

"Comparisons of angularly and spectrally resolved Bremsstrahlung measurements to two-dimensional multi- stage simulations of short-pulse laser-plasma interactions"
C. D. Chen, A. J. Kemp, F. Perez, A. Link, F. N. Beg, S. Chawla, M. H. Key, H. McLean, A. Morace, Y. Ping, A. Sorokovikova, R. B. Stephens, M. Streeter, B. Westover, and P. K. Patel, Physics of Plasmas 20, 052703 (2013).

"Study of X-pinch dynamics using a low current (25 kA) and slower current (400 ns) pulse"
G. W. Collins IV, M. P. Valdivia, T. Zick, R. E. Madden, M. G. Haines, and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 20, 042704 (2013).

"Dynamics of high-energy proton beam acceleration and focusing from hemisphere-cone targets by high-intensity lasers"
B. Qiao, M. E. Foord, M. S. Wei, R. B. Stephens, M. H. Key, H. McLean, P. K. Patel, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 87, 013108 (2013).

"Effect of target material on fast electron transport and resistive collimation"
S. Chawla, M. S. Wei, R. Mishra, K.U Akli, C. D. Chen, H. S. McLean, A. Morace, P. K. Patel, H. Sawada, Y. Sentoku, R. B. Stephens, and F.N. Beg, Physical Review Letters 110, 025001 (2013).

"Impact of extended preplasma on energy coupling in kilojoule energy relativistic laser interaction with cone wire targets relevant to Fast Ignition"
T. Yabuuchi, R. Mishra, C. McGuffey, B. Qiao, M. S. Wei, H. Sawada, Y. Sentoku, T. Ma, D. P. Higginson, K. U. Akli, D. Batani, H. Chen, L. A. Gizzi, M. H. Key, A. J. Mackinnon, H. S. McLean, P. A. Norreys, P. K. Patel, R. B. Stephens, Y. Ping, W. Theobald, C. Stoeckl, and F. N. Beg, New Journal of Physics 15, 015020 (2013).

"Plasma Pinch Research on University Pulsed-Power Generators in the United States"
J.L. Giuliani, F.N. Beg, R.M. Gilgenbach, V.L. Kantsyrev , B.R. Kusse, V.V. Ivanov, R. Presura, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40, 3246 - 3264 (2012).

"Experimental Analysis of the Acceleration Region in Tungsten Wire Arrays"
S.C. Bott, D. Mariscal, K. Gunasekera, J. Peebles, F.N. Beg, D.A. Hammer, B.R. Kusse, J.B. Greenly, T.A. Shelkovenko, S.A. Pikuz, I.C. Blesener, R.D. McBride, J.D. Douglass, K.S. Blesener, P.F. Knapp, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40, 3324 - 3328 (2012).

"Relativistic High-Current Electron-Beam Stopping-Power Characterization in Solids and Plasmas: Collisional Versus Resistive Effects"
B. Vauzour, J. J. Santos, A. Debayle, S. Hulin, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, X. Vaisseau, D. Batani, S. D. Baton, J. J. Honrubia, Ph. Nicolaï, F. N. Beg, R. Benocci, S. Chawla, M. Coury, F. Dorchies, C. Fourment, E. d'Humières, L. C. Jarrot , P. McKenna, Y. J. Rhee, V. T. Tikhonchuk, L. Volpe, and V. Yahia, Physical Review Letters 109, 255002 (2012).

"Emission of energetic protons from relativistic intensity laser interaction with a cone-wire target"
B. S. Paradkar, T. Yabuuchi, H. Sawada, D. P. Higginson, A. Link, M. S. Wei, R. B. Stephens, S. I. Krasheninnikov, and F. N. Beg, Physical Review E 86, 056405 (2012).

"Dynamics of Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interaction on Solid Targets"
Y. Ping, A.J. Kemp, L. Divol, M.H. Key, P.K. Patel, K.U. Akli, F.N. Beg, S. Chawla, C.D. Chen, R.R. Freeman, D. Hey, D.P. Higginson, L.C. Jarrott, G.E. Kemp, A. Link, H.S. McLean, H. Sawada, R.B. Stephens, D. Turnbull, B. Westover, and S.C. Wilks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 145006 (2012).

"Characterizing the energy distribution of laser- generated relativistic electrons in cone-wire targets"
H. Sawada, D. P. Higginson, A. Link, T. Ma, S. C. Wilks, H. S. McLean, F. Perez, P. K. Patel and F. N. Beg, Physics of Plasmas 19, 103108 (2012).

"Diagnosing laser-driven, shock-heated foam target with Al absorption spectroscopy on OMEGA EP"
H. Sawada, T. Yabuuchi, S.P. Regan, K. Anderson, M.S. Wei, R. Betti, J. Hund, M.H. Key, A.J. Mackinnon, H.S. McLean, R.R. Paguio, P.K. Patel, K.M. Saito, R.B. Stephens, S.C. Wilks, F.N. Beg, High Energy Density Physics 8,180-183 (2012).

"Temporally resolved characterization of shock-heated foam target with Al absorption spectroscopy for fast electron transport study"
T. Yabuuchi, H. Sawada, S.P. Regan, K. Anderson, M.S. Wei, R. Betti, J. Hund, M.H. Key, A.J. Mackinnon, H.S. McLean, R.R. Paguio, P.K. Patel, K.M. Saito, R.B. Stephens, S.C. Wilks, and F. N.Beg Phys. Plasmas 19, 092705 (2012).

"Generation of high-energy (>15 MeV) neutrons using short pulse high intensity lasers"
G.M. Petrov, D.P. Higginson, J. Davis, T.B. Petrova, J.M. McNaney, C. McGuffey, B. Qiao, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas 19, 093106 (2012).

"A collinear self-emission and laser-backlighting imaging diagnostic"
S. C. Bott, G. Collins IV, K. Gunasekera, D. Mariscal, F.N. Beg, D.M. Haas, F. Veloso, I.C. Blesener, A.D. Cahill, C.L. Hoyt, B.R. Kusse, and D.A. Hammer, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 083507 (2012).

"Mechanism of heating of pre-formed plasma electrons in relativistic laser-matter interaction"
B.S. Paradkar, S.I. Krasheninnikov, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas 19, 060703 (2012).

"Rayleigh-Taylor Instability of an Ultrathin Foil Accelerated by the Radiation Pressure of an Intense Laser"
C.A.J. Palmer, J. Schreiber, S.R. Nagel, N.P. Dover, C. Bellei, F.N. Beg, S. Bott, R.J. Clarke, A.E. Dangor, S.M. Mangles, K.L. Lancaster, A. Rehman, A.P.L. Robinson, C. Spindloe, J. Szerypo, M. Tatarakis, M. Yeung and M. Zepf, Physical Review Letters 108, 225002 (2012).

"Mapping return currents in laser-generated Z-pinch plasmas using proton deflectometry"
M.J.E. Manuel, N. Sinenian, F.H. Séguin, C.K. Li, J.A. Frenje, H.G. Rinderknecht, D.T. Casey, A.B. Zylstra, R.D. Petrasso, and F.N. Beg , Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 203505 (2012).

"Effect of the global to local magnetic field ratio on the ablation modulations on X-pinches driven by 80 kA peak current"
G.W. Collins IV, D. Marsical, D.M. Haas, R.E. Madden, K. Gunasekara, J. Kim, M.L.L. Abarr, S.C. Bott, J.P. Chittenden and F.N. Beg, New Journal of Physics 14, 043021 (2012).

"Proton trajectories and electric fields in a laser- accelerated focused proton beam"
M.E. Foord, T. Bartal, C. Bellei, M. Key, K. Flippo, R.B. Stephens, P.K. Patel, H.S. McLean, L.C. Jarrott, M.S. Wei, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas 19, 056702 (2012).

"Electron and ion dynamics during the expansion of a laser-heated plasma under vacuum"
C. Bellei, M.E. Foord, T. Bartal, M.H. Key, H.S. McLean, P.K. Patel, R.B. Stephens, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas 19, 033109 (2012).

"Focusing of short-pulse high-intensity laser- accelerated proton beams"
T.Bartal, M.E. Foord, C. Bellei, M.H. Key, K.A. Flippo, S.A. Gaillard, D.T. Offermann, P.K. Patel, L.C. Jarrott, D.P. Higginson, M.Roth, A. Otten, D. Kraus, R.B. Stephens, H.S. McLean, E.M. Giraldez, M.S. Wei, D.C. Gautier and F.N. Beg, Nature Physics 8, 139-142 (2012)

"Hot Electron Temperature and Coupling Efficiency Scaling with Pre-pulse for Cone-Guided Fast Ignition"
T. Ma, H. Sawada, P.K. Patel, C.D. Chen, L. Divol, D.P. Higginson, A.J. Kemp, M.H. Key, D.J. Larson, S. Le Pape, A. Link, A.G. MacPhee, H.S. McLean, Y. Ping, R.B. Stephens, S.C. Wilks, and F.N. Beg, Physical Review Letters 108 115004 (2012).

"Examination of Bow-Shock Formation in Supersonic, Radiatively Cooled Plasma Flows"
J.L. Peebles, S.C. Bott, K. Gunasekera, J. Kim, L. Harpster, B. Evans, D. Gomez, O. Paran, C. Peterson, F.N. Beg, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 2422 - 2423 (2011).

"Magnetically Guided Fast Electrons in Cylindrically Compressed Matter"
F. Perez, A. Debayle, J. Honrubia, M. Koenig, D. Batani, S.D. Baton, F.N. Beg, C. Benedetti, E. Brambrink, S. Chawla, F. Dorchies, C. Fourment, M. Galimberti, L.A. Gizzi, L. Gremillet, R. Heathcote, D.P. Higginson, S. Hulin, R. Jafer, P. Koester, L. Labate, K.L. Lancaster, A.J. MacKinnon, A.G. MacPhee, W. Nazarov, P. Nicolai, J. Pasley, R. Ramis, M. Richetta, J.J. Santos, A. Sgattoni, C. Spindloe, B. Vauzour, T. Vinci, and L. Volpe, Physical Review Letters 107, 065004 (2011).

"Monochromatic Imaging of 8.0 keV Cu K-alpha Emission Induced by Energetic Electrons Generated at OMEGA EP"
H. Sawada, W. Theobald, C. Stoeckl, G. Fiksel, P.K. Patel, C.D. Chen, T. Yabuuchi, F.N. Beg, R.B. Stephens, K.U. Akli, H.S. McLean and M.H. Key, IEEE Transactions on Plasma 39, 2816 - 2817 (2011).

"Proton Radiography of Intense-Laser-Irradiated Wire- Attached Cone Targets"
T. Yabuuchi, H. Sawada, T. Bartal, D. Batani, L.A. Gizzi, M.H. Key, A.J. Mackinnon, H.S. McLean, P.A. Norreys, P.K. Patel, R.B. Stephens, C. Spindloe, W. Theobald, M.S. Wei, and F.N. Beg. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 2822 - 2823 (2011).

"Proton Focusing Characteristics Relevant to Fast Ignition"
T. Bartal, K. Flippo, S.A. Gaillard, D.T. Offermann, M.E. Foord, C. Bellei, P.K. Patel, M.H. Key, R.B. Stephens, H.S. McLean, L.C. Jarrott and F.N. Beg, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 2818 - 2819 (2011).

"Fast Electron Temperature and Conversion Efficiency Measurements in Laser-Irradiated Foil Targets Using a Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Detector"
B. Westover, C.D. Chen, P.K. Patel, M.H. Key, H. McLean, R. Stephens, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plas. 18, 063101 (2011).

"250 kA Compact Linear Transformer Driver for Wire Array Z-Pinch Loads"
S.C. Bott, D.M. Haas, R.E. Madden, U. Ueda, Y. Eshaq, G. Collins IV, K. Gunasekera, D. Mariscal, J. Peebles, F.N. Beg , M. Mazarakis, K. Struve, and R. Sharpe, Physical Review 14 (special issue on accelerators and beams), 050401 (2011).

"Initial Cone-in-Shell Fast-Ignition Experiments on OMEGA"
W. Theobald, A.A. Solodov, C. Stoeckl, K.S. Anderson, R. Betti, T.R. Boehly, R.S. Craxton, J.A. Delettrez, C. Dorrer, J.A. Frenje, V.Y. Glebov, H. Habara, K.A. Tanaka, J.P. Knauer, R. Lauck, F.J. Marshall, K.L. Marshall, D.D. Meyerhofer, P.M. Nilson, P.K. Patel, H. Chen, T.C. Sangster, W. Seka, N. Sinenian, T. Ma, F.N. Beg, E. Giraldez, and R.B. Stephens, Phys. Plasmas 18, 056305 (2011).

"Numerical Modeling of Fast Electron Generation in the Presence of Preformed Plasma in Laser-Matter Interaction at Relativistic Intensities"
B.S. Paradkar, M.S. Wei, T. Yabuuchi, R.B. Stephens, S.I. Krasheninnikov and F.N. Beg, Phys. Rev. E 83, 046401 (2011).

"Proton Radiography of Laser-Driven Imploding Target in Cylindrical Geometry"
L. Volpe, D. Batani, B. Vauzour, Ph. Nicolai, J.J. Santos, C. Regan, A. Morace, F. Dorchies, C. Fourment, S. Hulin, M. Koenig, F. Perez, S. Baton, K. Lancaster, M. Galimberti, R. Heathcote, M. Tolley, Ch. Spindloe, P. Koester, L. Labate, L.A. Gizzi, C. Benedetti, A. Sgattoni, M. Richetta, J. Pasley, F. Beg, S. Chawla, D.P. Higginson, and A.G. MacPhee, Phys. Plas. 18>, 012704 (2011).

"Proton Radiography of Cylindrical Laser-Driven Implosions"
L. Volpe, R. Jafer, B. Vauzour, Ph. Nicolai, J.J. Santos, F. Dorchies, C. Fourment, S. Hulin, C. Regan, F. Perez, S. Baton, K. Lancaster, M. Galimberti, R. Heathcote, M. Tolley, Ch.Spindloe, W. Nazarov, P. Koester, L. Labate, L.A. Gizzi, C. Benedetti, A. Sgattoni, M. Richetta, J. Pasley, F. Beg, S. Chawla, D.P. Higginson, A. G. MacPhee and D. Batani, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 53, 032003 (2011).

"Laser-Driven Cylindrical Compression of Targets for Fast Electron Transport Study in Warm Dense Plasmas"
B. Vauzour, F. Perez, L. Volpe, K. Lancaster, Ph. Nicola, M. Koenig, D. Batani, S.D. Baton, F.N. Beg, C. Benedetti, E. Brambrink, S. Chawla, F. Dorchies, C. Fourment, M. Galimberti, L.A. Gizzi, R. Heathcote, D.P. Higginson, S. Hulin, R. Jafer, P. Kaoster, L. Labate, A.J. MacKinnon, A.G. MacPhee, W. Nazarov, J. Pasley, C. Regan, X. Ribeyre, M. Richetta, G. Schurtz, A. Sgattoni, and J.J. Santos, Phys. Plas. 18, 043108 (2011).

"Supersonic Jet Formation and Propagation in X-Pinches"
D.M. Haas, S.C. Bott, J. Kim, D.A. Mariscal, R.E. Madden, Y. Eshaq, U. Ueda, G. Collins IV, K. Gunasekera, F.N. Beg, J.P. Chittenden, N. Niasse and C.A. Jennings, Astrophys. Space Sci. DOI 10.1007/s10509-011-0599-8 (2011).

"Study of silver K-alpha and bremsstrahlung radiation from short-pulse laser-matter interactions with applications for x-ray radiography"
B. Westover, A. MacPhee, C. Chen, D. Hey, T. Ma, B. Maddox, H.S. Park, B. Remington, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas, 17, 082703 (2010).

"Transport study of intense-laser-produced fast electrons in solid targets with a preplasma created by a long pulse laser"
T. Yabuuchi, B.S. Paradkar, M.S. Wei, J.A. King, F.N. Beg, R.B. Stephens, N. Nakanii, M. Hatakeyama, H. Habara, K. Mima, K.A. Tanaka, and J.T. Larsen, Phys. Plasmas, 17, 060704 (2010).

"Laser generated neutron source for neutron resonance spectroscopy"
D.P. Higginson, J.M. McNaney, D.C. Swift, T. Bartal, D.S. Hey, R. Kodama, S. Le Pape, A. Mackinnon, D. Mariscal, H. Nakamura, N. Nakanii, K.A. Tanaka, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas, 17, 100701 (2010).

"Ablation Studies of Low-Number Wire Arrays at 200 kA Using A Linear Transformer Driver"
S.C. Bott, D.M. Haas, Y. Eshaq, U. Ueda, R.E. Madden, G.W. Collins IV, and F.N. Beg, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 38, 567 (2010).

"Study of the effect of current rise time on the formation of the precursor column in cylindrical wire array Z pinches at 1 MA"
S.C. Bott, D.M. Haas, Y. Eshaq, U. Ueda, F.N. Beg, D.A. Hammer, B. Kusse, J. Greenly, T.A. Shelkovenko, S.A. Pikuz, I.C. Blesener, R.D. McBride, J.D. Douglass, K. Bell, P. Knapp, J.P. Chittenden, S.V. Lebedev, S.N. Bland, G.N. Hall, F.A. S. Vidal, A. Marocchino, A. Harvey-Thomson, M.G. Haines, J.B.A. Palmer, A. Esaulov, and D.J. Ampleford, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 072701 (2009).

"X-ray spectroscopy of buried layer foils irradiated at laser intensities in excess of 1020 W/cm2"
S.N. Chen, P.K. Patel, H.-K. Chung, A.J. Kemp, S. Le Pape, B.R. Maddox, S.C. Wilks, R.B. Stephens, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 062701 (2009).

"Investigation of Carbon X-Pinches as a Source for Point-Projection Radiography"
R.E. Madden, S.C. Bott, G. Collins IV, and F.N. Beg, IEEE Trans. Plasma. Sci., 37, 433 (2009).

"Electron heated target temperature measurements in petawatt laser experiments based on extreme ultraviolet imaging and spectroscopy"
T. Ma, F.N. Beg, A.G. MacPhee, H.-K. Chung, M.H. Key, Cliff, Chen, A.J. Mackinnon, P. Patel, S. Hatchett, K.U. Akli, R.B. Stephens, T. Link, D. Offerman, R.R. Freeman, L.D. Van Woerkom, and B. Zhang, Rev. Sci. Instr., 79, 10E312 (2008).

"Determination of Electron-Heated Temperatures of Petawatt Laser-Irradiated Foil Targets with 256 eV and 68 eV Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging"
T. Ma, A.G. MacPhee, M.H. Key, S.P. Hatchett, K.U. Akli, T.W. Barbee, R.R. Freeman, J.A. King, A. Link, D.T. Offermann, V. Ovchinnikov, A.J. Mackinnon, P.K. Patel, R.B. Stephens, L.D. Van Woerkom, B. Zhang, and F.N. Beg, Rev. Sci. Instr., 79, 093507 (2008).

"Cross-point coronal plasma dynamics in two- and four-wire x-pinches"
R.E. Madden, S.C. Bott, D. Haas, Y. Eshaq, U. Ueda, G. Collins, and F.N. Beg, Phys. Plasmas, 15, 112701 (2008).

"Quantitative Measurements of Wire Ablation in Tungsten X-pinches at 80 kA"
S.C. Bott, D.M. Haas, Y. Eshaq, U. Ueda, S.V. Lebedev, J.P. Chittenden, J.B.A. Palmer, S.N. Bland, G.N. Hall, D.J. Ampleford, and F.N. Beg, IEEE Trans. Plasma. Sci., 36, 2759 (2008).

"Study of relativistic electron beam production and transport in high-intensity laser interaction with a wire target by integrated LSP modeling"
M.S. Wei, A.A. Solodov, J. Pasley, R.B. Stephens, D.R. Welch, and F.N. Beg Phys. Plasmas , 15, 083101 (2008).

"Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging of Electron-Heated Targets in Petawatt Laser Experiments"
T. Ma, A.G. MacPhee, M.H. Key, K.U. Akli, T.W. Barbee Jr, A.J. MacKinnon, R.B. Stephens, L.D. Van Woerkom, B. Zhang, and F.N. Beg IEEE Trans. Plasma. Sci, 36, 1274 (2008).

"High Resolution Laser Schlieren Imaging of Coronal Plasma Evolution in 80 kA X-pinches"
S.C. Bott, D.M. Haas, U. Ueda, Y. Eshaq, R. Madden, G. Collins, and F. N.Beg, IEEE Trans. Plasma. Sci, 36, 1274 (2008).

"Experimental observations of transport of picosecond laser generated electrons in a nail-like target"
J. Pasley, M. Wei, E. Shipton, S. Chen, T. Ma, F.N. Beg, N. Alexander, R. Stephens, A.G. MacPhee, D. Hey, S. Le Pape, P. Patel, A. Mackinnon, M. Key, D. Offermann, A. Link, E. Chowdhury, L. Van-Woerkom, and R.R. Freeman, Phys Plasmas, 14, 120701 (2007).

"Creation of hot dense matter in short-pulse laser-plasma interaction with titanium tamped foils"
S.N. Chen, G. Gregori, H.-K. Chung, R.G. Evans, R.R. Freeman, E. Garcia Saiz, S.H. Glenzer, S.B. Hansen, F. Khattak, J.A. King, A.J. Mackinnon, M.N. Notley, J.R. Pasley, P.K. Patel, D. Riley, R.B. Stephens, R.L. Weber, S.C. Wilks, and F.N. Beg, Phys Plasmas 14, 102701(2007).

"Simulations investigating the effect of a Deuterium- Tritium-ice coating on the motion of the gold cone surface in a re-entrant cone-guided fast ignition inertial confinement fusion capsule"
J. Pasley and R. Stephens, Phys. Plasmas 14 054501, (2007).

"Surface heating of wire plasmas using laser irradiated cone geometries"
J.S. Green, K.L. Lancaster, K.U. Akli, C.D. Gregory, F.N. Beg, S.N. Chen, D. Clark, R.R. Freeman, S. Hawkes, C. Hernandez-Gomez, H. Habara, R. Heathcote, D.S. Hey, K. Highbarger, M.H. Key, R. Kodama, K. Krushelnick, I. Musgrave, H. Nakamura, M. Nakatsutsumi, N. Patel, R. Stephens, M. Storm, M. Tampo, W. Theobald, L. Van Woerkom, R.L. Weber, M.S. Wei, N.C. Woolsey, and P.A. Norreys, Nature Physics, 3, 853 (2007).

"Dynamics of low-density coronal plasma in low current X-pinches"
D.M. Haas, S.C. Bott, F.N. Beg, T. Zhang, V. Vikhrev, B. Bucker, D. Fedin, E. Baranova, Y. Eshaq, S.I. Krashenninikov, Plasma Phys Control. Fusion, 49, p1151 (2007).

"XUV harmonic radiation as a probe of high density relativistic plasmas"
K. Krushelnick, W. Rozmus, U. Wagner, F.N. Beg, S. Bochkarov, E.L. Clark, A.E. Dangor, R.G. Evans, A. Gopal, H. Habara, S.P.D. Mangles, P. Norreys, A. Robinson, M. Tatarakis, M.S. Wei, and M. Zepf, SUBMITTED to Phys. Rev. E.

"The Formation of Precursor Structures in Cylindrical and “4 × 4” Wire Arrays" [invited paper]
S.C. Bott, S.V. Lebedev, S.N. Bland, J.P. Chittenden, G.N. Hall, F.A. Suzuki Vidal, A.Marocchino, J.B.A. Palmer, D.J. Ampleford, and C.A. Jennings, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci, 35, p165 (2007).

"Study of energy transfer in tabletop X-pinch driven by a water line"
F.N. Beg, T. Zhang, D. Fedin, B. Beagen, E. Chua, J.Y. Lee, R.S. Rawat, P. Lee, Physica Scripta, 76, 134 (2007).

"Neutron yield from a high repetition rate table-top neutron source"
S.V. Springham, S. Mahmood, T. Zhang, R.S. Rawat, T.L. Tan, M. Krishnan, F.N. Beg, S. Lee, H. Schmidt, P. Lee, SUBMITTED to Applied Physics Letters .

"Comparison of sensitivities of Moire deflectometry and interferometry to measure electron densities in Z-pinch plasmas"
J. Ruiz-Camacho, F.N. Beg, and P. Lee, J. Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, p2026 (2007).

"Development of an in situ peak intensity measurement method for ultraintense single shot laser-plasma experiments at the Sandia Z petawatt facility"
A. Link, E.A. Chowdhury, J.T. Morrison, V.M. Ovchinnikov, D. Offermann, L. Van Woerkom, R. Freeman, J. Pasley, E. Shipton, F. Beg, P. Rambo, J. Schwarz, M. Geissel, A. Edens, and J. L. Porter, Rev. Sci. Instrumen. 77, 10E723, (2006).

"Study of electron and proton isochoric heating for fast ignition"
M.H. Key, K. Akli, F. Beg, M.H. Chen, H.-K. Chung, R.R. Freeman, M.E. Foord, J.S. Green, P. Gu, G. Gregori, H. Habara, S.P. Hatchett, D. hey, J.M. Hill, J.A. King, R. Kodama, J.A. Koch, K. Lancaster, B.F. Lasinski, B. Langdon, A.J. Mackinnon, C.D. Murphy, P.A. Norreys, N. Patel, P. Patel, J. Pasley, R.A. Snavely, R.B. Stephens, C. Stoeckl, M. Tabak, W. Theobald, K. Tanaka, R. Town, S.C. Wilks, T. Yabuuchi, and B. Zhang, J. Phys IV France, 133, p.371-378 (2006).

"Overview of recent progress in US fast ignition research
R. R. Freeman, K. Akli, F. beg, R. betti, S. Chen, D. J. Clark, P. M. Gu, G. Gregori, S. P. Hatchett, D. Hey, K. Highbarger, J. M. Hill, N. Izumi, M. Key, J. A. King, J. A. Koch, B. Lasinski, B. Langdon, A. J. Mackinnon, D. Meyerhofer, N. Patel, P. Patel, J. Pasley, H. S. Park, C. Ren, R. A. Snavely, R. B. Stephens, C. Stoeckl, M. Tabak, R. Town, L. Van Woerkom, R. Weber, S. C. Wilks, and B. B. Zhang,J. Phys. IV France 133, p95-100, (2006).

"Reduction of proton acceleration in high-intensity laser interaction with solid two-layer targets"
M. S. Wei, J. R. Davies, E. L. Clark, F. N. Beg, A. Gopal, M. Tatarakis, L. Willingale, P. Nilson, A. E. Dangor, P. A. Norreys, M. Zepft and K. krushelnick, Physics of Plasmas, 13, 123101 (2006).

"Magnetic reconnection and plasma dynamics in two-beam laser-solid interactions"
P. M. Nilson, L. Willingale, M. C. Kaluza, C. Kamperidis, S. Minardi, M. S. Wei, P. Fernandes, M. Notley, S. Bandyopadhyay, M. Sherlock, R. J. Kingham, M. Tatarakis, Z. Najmudin, W. Rozmus, R. G. Evans, M. G. Haines, A. E. Dangor, and K. Krushelnick, Phys Rev Lett, 97, 255001 (2006).

"Measurements of forward scattered laser radiation from intense sub-ps laser interactions with underdense plasmas"
B. R. Walton, S. P. D. Mangles, Z. Najmudin, M. Tatarakis, M. S. Wei, A. Gopal, C. Marle, A. E. Dangor and K. Krushelnick, Physics of Plasmas, 13, 113103 (2006).

"High harmonic generation in the relativistic limit"
B. Dromey, M. Zepf, A. Gopal, K. Lancaster, M. S. Wei, K. Krushelnick, M. Tatarakis, N. Vakakis, S. Moustaizis, R. Kodama, M. Tampo, C. Stoeckl, R. Clarke, H. Habara, D. Neely, S. Karsch and P. Norreys, Nature Physics, 2, 456 (2006).

"Observation of annular electron beam transport in multi-TeraWatt laser-solid interactions"
P. A. Norreys, J. S. Green, J. R. Davies, M. Tatarakis, E. L. Clark, F. N. Beg, A. E. Dangor, K. L. Lancaster, M. S. Wei, M. Zepf, and K. Krushelnick, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48, L11 (2006).

"Hot surface ionic line emission and cold K-inner shell emission from petawatt-laser-irradiated Cu foil targets"
W. Theobald, K. Akli, R. Clarke, J. A. Delettrez, R. R. Freeman, S. Glenzer, J. Green, G. Gregori, R. Heathcote, N. Izumi, J. A. King, J. A. Koch, J. Kuba, K. Lancaster, A. J. MacKinnon, M. Key, C. Mileham, J. Myatt, D. Neely, P. A. Norreys, H.-S. Park, J. Pasely, P. Patel, S. P. Regan, H. Sawada, R. Shepherd, R. Snavely, R. B. Stephens, C. Stoeckl, M. Storm, B. Zhang, and T. C. Sangster, Physics of Plasmas, 13, 043102 (2006).

"Effect of wire number on x-pinch discharges"
J.S. Green, S.N. Bland, M. Collett, A.E. Dangor, K. Krushelnick, F.N. Beg and I. Ross, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 261501 (2006).

"Dynamics of cylindrically converging precursor plasma flow in wire-array Z-pinch experiments"
S.C. Bott, S.V. Lebedev, D.J. Ampleford, S.N. Bland, J.P. Chittenden, A. Ciardi, M.G. Haines, C. Jennings, M. Sherlock, G. Hall, J. Rapley, F.N. Beg and J. Palmer, Phy. Rev. E, 74, 046403 (2006).

"Jet Formation and Current Transfer in X-Pinches"
F.N. Beg, A. Ciardi, I. Ross, Y. Zhu, A.E. Dangor and K. Krushelnick, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 34 (5), 2325-2329 (2006).

"Compact X-pinch based point x-ray source for phase contrast imaging of inertial confinement fusion capsules"
F. N. Beg, R.B. Stephens and H.-W. Xu, D. Haas, S. Eddinger, G. Tynan and E. Shipton, B. DeBono, K. Wagschal, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 101502 (2006).

"Three-channel x-ray crystal spectrometer for diagnosing high energy density plasmas"
E. Baronova, B. Bucher, D. Haas and D. Fedin, A. Stepanenko, F.N. Beg, Rev. Scien. Instr., 77 (10), 103104 (2006).

"Novel fast-neutron activation counter for high repetition rate measurements"
S. Mahmood, S.V. Springham, T. Zhang, R.S. Rawat, T.L. Tan, M. Krishnan, F.N. Beg, S. Lee, H. Schmidt, P. Lee, Rev. Scien. Instr., 77, 10E713 4 pp., Proc. 16th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics 77, 10E713 (2006).

"Observation of ion temperatures exceeding background electron temperatures in petawatt laser-solid experiments"
P. A. Norreys, K. L. Lancaster, H. Habara, J. R. Davies, J. T. Mendonça, R. J. Clarke, B. Dromey, A. Gopal, S. Karsch, R. Kodama, K. Krushelnick, S. D. Moustaizis, C. Stoeckl, M. Tatarakis, M. Tampo, N. Vakakis, M. S. Wei and M. Zepf, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 47, L49 (2005).

"Integrated laser-target interaction experiments on the RAL petawatt laser"
P.K. Patel, M.H. Key, A. J. Mackinnon, R. Barry, M. Borghesi, D. M. Chambers, H. Chen, R. Clarke, C. Damian, R. Eagleton, R. Freeman, S. Glenzer, G. Gregori, R. Heathcote, D. Hey, N. Izumi, S. Kar, J. King, A. Nikroo, A. Niles, H-S. Park, J. Pasley, N. Patel, R. Shepherd, R. A. Snavely, D. Steinman, C. Stoeckl, M. Storm, W. Theobald, R. Town, R. Van Maren, S. C. Wilks and B. Zhang, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 47, B833-B840 (2005).

"Experimental Characterization of a Strongly Coupled Solid Density Plasma Generated in a Short-pulse Laser Target Interaction"
G. Gregori, S. B. Hansen, R. Clarke, R. Heathcote, M. H. Key, J. King, R. I. Klein, N. Izumi, A. J.Mackinnon, S. J. Moon, H.-S.Park, J.Pasley, N. Patel, P. K. Patel, B.A. Remington, D. D. Ryutov, R. Shepherd, R. A. Snavely, S. C. Wilks, B. B. Zhang, and S.H. Glenzer, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 45, 284-292 (2005).

"High intensity laser-plasma sources of ions—physics and future applications"
K. Krushelnick, E.L. Clark, F.N. Beg, A.E. Dangor, Z. Najmudin, P.A. Norreys, M. Wei and M. Zepf, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 47, B451-B463 (2005).