MAE 5 "Quantitative Computer Skills" Fall 2003 class is in Center Hall 115, 11-12:20 am.
Detailed information about the course schedule and homework problem assignments are given in the course outline.
Note: The magic number is 0500907
The emeritus TA is Pak Tao Leung ( Pak has set up a webpage for the course of his own. Tathagata Mitra (A01-A04, 858 735-1048, and Anish Karandikar (A05-A08, 858 455-7645, are the official TAs and will meet the Sections for homework preparation and lab quizes in the MAE 5 laboratory 205 EBU II and will grade your work. Keep your homework and projects on floppy disks for backup.
For those students with home Windows PCs. Getting True BASIC for your machine, transferring files between W-PCs and Macs, distributing programs to friends and relatives (the read me file). For students with home Macs (the read me file). For students without floppy drives on their personal computers but with CD drives, a disk has been burned with the True Basic & TB Ref for home files that you can borrow.
about True Basic: John G. Kemeny
and Thomas E. Kurtz invented
the BASIC programming language in 1964 for use at Dartmouth College.
They made it freely available to everyone who wanted to learn
how to program computers.
In 1983 they created True BASIC to incorporate and showcase all the exciting new developments they had added to their language, which had now become a world standard. It was designed to be both easy to use for beginners and powerful for advanced programmers. More people in the world use BASIC than any other programming language. The UCSD site licensed True Basic Bronze program (unlimited license for UCSD students and faculty) that you will copy in the laboratory and use in the course is the full-featured language system:
More information about the program can be obtained as follows:
Quizzes (grades,solution) Class List
The psychologists