Eric Lauga [Teaching]

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Spring 2013 UCSD MAE 108 - Probability and Statistical Methods for Engineers (undergraduate course)
MWF 9-9:50am --
Center Hall 101
Fourth hour: F 11-11:50am -- Solis 107

Summer 2012

Les Houches Summer School Soft Interfaces '12Fluid Mechanics of Biological Locomotion
[Lecture notes: pdf]
Spring 2012 UCSD MAE 108 - Probability and Statistical Methods for Engineers (undergraduate course)
Winter 2012 UCSD MAE 207 - Microfluidics (graduate course)
Fall 2011 UCSD MAE 294A/SIO 203A - Introduction to Applied Mathematics I (graduate course)
Winter 2011 UCSD MAE 210B - Fluid Mechanics II (graduate course)
Winter 2011 UCSD MAE 108 - Probability and Statistical Methods for Engineers (undergraduate course)
Fall 2010 UCSD MAE 294A/SIO 203A - Introduction to Applied Mathematics I (graduate course)
Spring 2010 UCSD MAE 101B - Advanced Fluid Mechanics (undergraduate course)
Winter 2010 UCSD MAE 108 - Probability and Statistical Methods for Engineers (undergraduate course)
Fall 2009 UCSD MAE 294A/SIO 203A - Introduction to Applied Mathematics I (graduate course)
Summer 2009 Softflow '09 Cargese Complex and biofluids Summer School - The hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms
Winter 2009 UCSD MAE 207 - Fluid Mechanics of The Cell (graduate course)
Fall 2008 UCSD MAE 105 - Introduction to Mathematical Physics (undergraduate course)
Summer 2008 UMass Soft Solids and Complex Fluids Summer School - Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics (course outline)
Spring 2008 UCSD MAE 207 - Biological Fluid Mechanics (graduate course)
Winter 2008 UCSD MAE 210B - Fluid Mechanics II (graduate course)
Spring 2007 MIT 18.358 - Hydrodynamic Stability and Turbulence (graduate course)
Fall 2006 MIT 18.075 - Advanced Calculus For Engineers (graduate course)
Spring 2005   Harvard Applied Math. 105b - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (co-lecturer)  (undergraduate course)

© 2008-2013 Eric Lauga - University of California, San Diego