Lecture 16. AMES 5, Tues. Mar. 2, 1999

As indicated by the course outline, the reading assignment this week is Chapter 12 on Computer Graphics. True BASIC provides extensive capabilities for creating, importing and exporting graphical images. New processes involving graphical objects are in development, as discussed on the True Basic webpage. Webpage graphical capabilities (html, applets, java) are in development to keep up with this evolving technology. The Catlin text and this course only scratch the surface of BASIC's underlying powers, which are growing rapidly to accomodate the needs of the information age. The tendency is to move toward higher and higher level languages such as BASIC as the speed of computers and the complexity of computer programs increase, presented in more and more user friendly forms such as True BASIC.

Some of the methods presented in Chapter 12 include:

All of these concepts are illustrated by the Example Programs 12-X and the two practice programs PP12.1 and PP12.2.

Although it is not assigned and you are not required to turn in homework about it, you should read ahead in Chapter 13 about programming with matrices. You have seen some matrix commands in the demo programs included with True BASIC, and know they are very compact and efficient. See the Matrix Read and Matrix Print example. This program should be compared to a similar program where the information about Tutors and their subjects are read into a matrix and printed out without matrix commands. Interested in a horoscope program?. This program has now been expanded to include all the astrological signs. Check for yours! This is the program for the bouncing windows and screens shown in class.

Quiz 9a solution

Take-home Quiz 8 problems PP2.4, PP2.5, PP3.7, PP3.9, and PP3.12 are assigned, to be turned in for grading in section this week. Try to turn in your solutions of PP4.4, PP4.5, PP5.5, and PP5.6 this week as well, for the convenience of the TAs.

Lecture 17. AMES 5, Thurs. Mar. 4, 1999

Review practice problem RPP3.3 shows how to create a file with numbers, and then average the numbers. RPP3.10 shows how to compute the amount of silage you have from its height in the silo, in tons.

The quiz and lecture today is a review for Quiz 10 (the stealth final exam).


Quiz 9b solution

Extra Credit for Early Final Projects! Two bonus points out of 100 will be awarded for projects turned in before class time on Mar. 11 for early consideration (and possible demonstration...please be available in class that day to discuss your project if it is demonstrated). All final projects must be turned in no later than 11am, Mar. 17 (the scheduled time for the class final...although no final is given).
