! A farmer has a 14-foot diameter silo that is 60 feet high.

! Ask a user to enter the height of silage that has been stored in this silo.

! Display the number of tons of silage in storage.

! Assume corn silage that has an average weight of 45 pounds per cubic foot.

! Test your program using a silage height of 46 feet. (gives 159.326 tons)


! Note: there are 2000 pounds per ton.

! Volume=area*height in ft^3.

! Area = (pi*d^2)/4 ft^2

! pi = 3.1416

! density=45 pounds/ft^3

! tons=volume*density/2000


INPUT prompt "Enter the silage height in feet ":h

LET tons = ((3.1416*14^2/4)*h*45)/2000

PRINT tons