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Most of the software provided below is in the form of Matlab® package (m-files), possibly packed in ZIP archives. The files and/or ZIP archives can be downloaded via an FTP connection to the mechatronics server. Obviously, this only works if indeed the server is turned on and hooked on to the web, which is usually the case.
FREQID - FREQuency IDentification
FREQID is a Matlab® Graphical User Interface (GUI) for performing multivariable curve fitting of frequency response data to obtain linear dynamical (continuous/discrete) time models. FREQID consists of both standalone Matlab® m-function files and a Matlab® GUI to simplify the manipulation of frequency data, specification of weighting functions and perform the (recursive) optimization in the curve fitting of models. Technical details on the computational procedures in FREQID can be found in the publication [j9].
The latest version of FREQID is version 1.4 and can be downloaded via the FREQID FTP link. Newer versions of FREQID are distributed under the name LTSfit and supported by the INSIC TAPE program. Due to the sponsoring by INSIC, the latest versions of LTSfit are only available to the INSIC TAPE program members.
STEPID - STEP based input IDentification
The STEPID Matlab® tools allow the construction of a state space model on the basis of step response data measurements. Construction of the state space model is done via standard realization algorithms that require the construction of a (weighted) Hankel matrix and the solution of a singular value decomposition. Technical details on the step-based realization algorithm and its generalization to arbitrary input signals can be found in the publications [c25,c56,c59].
A numerical stable version of STEPID can be downloaded via the STEPID FTP link. Newer versions of STEPID that also allow more general input signals via a realization/subspace based identification method are currently being developed under a Phase II NASA contract with ZONA Technology Inc.
REACT - Robust Estimation for Automatic Controller Tuning
Robust Estimation for Automatic Controller Tuning (REACT) is a model-based feedback controller adaptation technique that augments an existing stabilizing feedback controller with an additional feedback loop that is tuned automatically on the basis of actual disturbance signals present in the feedback loop. Adaptation to the disturbance spectra is done in lieu of possible model uncertainties, guaranteeing stability robustness via a (dual) Youla parametrization. Technical details on REACT with application to Active Noise Control (ANC) can be found in the publications [b5,b6]
The numerical stable version 1.1 of REACT can be downloaded via the REACT FTP link. To perform a quadratic optimization under quadratic constraints needed for a 2-norm optimization of servo performance under robustness constaints, a SemiDefinite program has to be solved. REACT version 1.1 uses Sedumi (version 1.1) and YaLMIP to solve the semidefinite programming problem. Newer versions of REACT that allow more tuning of the adaptation in the presence of control input constraints and modle uncertainty are currently being developed with support from the INSIC TAPE program.
Experimental Data
Some of the experimental data measured at the System Identification and Control Laboratory (SICL), the Center for Magnetic Recording Servo Laboratory (CMRR lab) or the Undergraduate and Graduate Control Laboratory (UGCL) is available for public use. It can be used to test out new identification routines or used in system identification courses for students. Most of this data is also used in the MAE283a/b graduate courses taught by Prof. de Callafon at the Dept. of MAE at UCSD.
- Several time-domain measurements from two flexible mechanical systems obtained from the MAE the Undergraduate and Graduate Control Laboratory (UGCL) are available for identification purposes.
- Time-domain data from an active silencer for Active Noise Control is available from the System Identification and Control Laboratory (SICL).
- Time-domain data from a BOSE® active noise control headset is available from the from the System Identification and Control Laboratory (SICL).
- Time-domain measurements from piezo-electric dual-stage actuators used in hard disk drives are available from the Center of Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR) servo laboratory.
Please acknowledge Prof. de Callafon, the System Identification and Control Laboratory System Identification and Control Laboratory (SICL) or the Undergraduate and Graduate Control Laboratory (UGCL) at UCSD in case you use one of the above mentioned data sets.
Professional Organisations
We maintain links (and vintage logos) to some of the professional organisations that play an important role in system identification and control related research. Obviously, the number of societies, professional organisations and their journals related to dynamics and control is almost countless. If you feel a particular organisation or journal should be included here, please feel free to send a message to Prof. de Callafon.
American Automatic Control Council (AACC) part of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) listed below.
American Institute of Aeronatics and Astronautics (AIAA).
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE).
Association of Iron and Steel Technology (AIST). Formerly Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (ASIE).
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and in particular the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS)
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
International Society for Automation (ISA)
European Union Control Association (EUCA)
Society of Computer Simulations (SCS) and currently called the Society for Modeling and Simulation International.
Journals and Magazines
To maintain a list of all the Transactions, Journals, Magazines and Letters that are used in identification and control would be quite extensive. Instead, one is refered to either the publishers or the professional organisations to find such a list and examples include the publications of the IEEE , the publications of the IFAC, publications of the ASME or journals of the AIAA. Below only a limited collection is listed with specific focus on control, signal processing, modeling, identification and includes the journals reviewed and/or published in by Prof. de Callafon.
AIAA Journal, (the) journal of the AIAA.
AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics.
ASME Mechanical Engineering Magazine.
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control.
ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
IEEE Spectrum magazine.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
IEEE Transactions on Education.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectricalmechanical Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Automatica, a journal of IFAC.
Control Engineering Practice, a journal of IFAC.
Mechatronics, a journal of IFAC.
Microsystem Technologies, a journal published by Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, a journal published by Wiley.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, a journal published by Wiley.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, a journal published by Wiley.
International Journal of Control, a journal published by Taylor and Francis.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, a journal published by Taylor and Francis.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, a journal published by Elsevier.
Tribology International, a journal published by Elsevier.
European Journal of Control, a journal published by the EUCA.
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, a journal published by InderScience.