Biographical Information

(updated 2/1/09)


Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering                           Phone:  858-534-3182

Chemical Engineering Program                                                                   Fax:        858-534-4543

University of California, San Diego                                                            email :   "dmiller@ucsd.edu"



Princeton University, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 1966

Princeton University, M.A., Chemical Engineering, 1964

UC Berkeley, B.S., Chemical Engineering, 1962



UCSD, 1966 to present, currently Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering

UCSD, Chairman, Dept. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 1981-1985

UCSD, Acting Dean of Engineering, School of Engineering, 1986-1987

UCSD, Chairman, Dept. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 1989-1992

UCSD, Associate Dean of Engineering, School of Engineering, 1994-1997

UCSD, Associate Vice Chancellor – Academic Planning and Resources 1997- 2007

UCSD, Acting Senior Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, 2003-2005



Excellence in Teaching Award, Revelle College, 1982

Chancellor's Associates UCSD Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1986

Outstanding Teacher and Service Award, Revelle College, 1992

       UCSD Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award , 1997

       UCSD Alumni Association Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award, 1997

       Tau Beta Pi, 1961;   

       Phi Beta Kappa, 2003


RESEARCH AREAS :   Experimental engineering physics, surface science, gas dynamics, molecular beams; supercritical fluids




Tepper, G., and D. Miller, “Coherent Scattering of the Hydrogen Dimer from a LiF Crystal”, J. Chem. Phys., 98 (1993), 9585-9594

Maharrey, Sean and David R. Miller, “A Quartz Capillary Micro-Reactor for Studies of Oxidation in Supercritical Water”, AIChE J, 47 (2001), 1203-1211

Maharrey, Sean and David R. Miller, “ A Direct Sampling Mass Spectrometer Investigation of Oxidation Mechanisms for Acetic Acid in Supercritical Water” ,J. Phys. Chem.A, 105 (2001), 5860-5867

Khalil, I., and D. Miller “The Structure of Supercritical Fluid Free-Jet Expansions”; AIChE J., 50 (2004), 2697-2704

DeDea,S., D. Miller, and R. Continetti, ”Growth of Nanoscale Magnetic Films Using a Supercritical CO/Ferric Acetylacetonate  Batch Process Near Room Temperature”, J. Phys. Chem. C. 112 (2008), 17102-17108

DeDea,S., D. Miller, and R. Continetti, “Cluster and Solute Velocity Distributions in Free-Jet Expansions of Supercritical CO” , J. Phys. Chem. A. 113 (2009),399-398