Welcome to STPA 35 Society and the Sea WebPage
The Course Outline for Fall 1998 is found here. The first class (TTh8-9:20) is Sept. 24, 1998, in U413.
Don't forget to register to vote.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography- SIO.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
The School of Oceanography Hawaii.
Oceanography in England.
Oceanography around the World
Michael Molitor of UCSD will discuss the Law of the Sea on Thursday, October 15. Click on "Convention on the Law of the Sea" in this United Nations Law Of the Sea (UN/LOS) website and read up on :
October 12 is Columbus
day. There is some question about whether this date should be celebrated
or not considering the history of this barbaric first encounter between
Europeans and Native Americans.
You can find lots of information about course material from the web. Try typing "yahoo" in the address line of Netscape (or any other browser) and then type in the topic of interest to search. For example "ozone" gives plenty of information about the status of the ozone hole, which is now bigger than ever. See the October 7, 1998, Washington Post article. It says "The continent-sized hole in Earth's ozone layer has swollen to an all-time record over Antarctica, government scientists said yesterday in a report that suggests the ozone hole may take longer to mend than previously believed."
Lots of articles about global warming, including the conference on world climate in Buenos Aires, can be found at the "full coverage" site.
Exam 2 is take-home and was
distributed at the last class. Spend about 2 hours on the exam, open book
open notes. Work individually. Michael Burin
will pick up the exams on Thursday, Nov. 19, 1998, 8-8:30am. His office
is in 244 Engineering Building II, and email mburin@ucsd.edu. Contact Michael
if you did not pick up the exam in class, since he has a few spare copies.