Lectures week 7.
Exam 2 Today! Bring a pencil and some green scantron forms from the bookstore. The exam is closed book with multiple choice questions (like Exam 1). Also bring your homework-term project notebook so it can be examined and checked off, along with an abstract of your term project (to be turned in).
Review questions for Exam 2
Exam 2 from STPA 35 Fall 2001
Good luck!
Chapter 12 is about Open-Ocean
Plankton and Nekton. Plankton are organisms that cannot swim faster
than the current so that they must drift with it. Examples include phytoplankton,
zooplankton, and bacteria. Bacteria are smaller than 2 microns so they are
ultraplankton. Nannoplankoton are 2-20 microns, and microplankton are 20-2000
microns (micrometers) in size. Holoplankton are always drifters, but meroplankton
are not (for example fish eggs). Nekton swim. Demersal fish like cod live
near the bottom. Seaweeds
are not plankton and are not nekton.
Both the diver and the bigeye jackfish (pictured, from the ocean in the Phillipines) are examples of nekton.