Calculation of the mass of a primordial fog particle at time 10^13 seconds when the plasma of H and He turned to gas.


1. The rate of strain gamma is t^-1 , or 10^-13 s^-1.

2. The viscosity nu is 10^13 m^2 s^-1

3. The density rho is 10^-18 kg m^-3

4. The gravitational fragmentation scale is the viscous Schwarz scale L_SV = (gamma nu / rho G)^1/2 = 1.2 10^14 m, where G = 6.7 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2.

5. The mass of a PFP is thus M_PFP = rho L_SV ^3 = 2 10^24 kg.



If gravitational structure begins formation during the plasma epoch (contrary to the Jeans criterion) at 10^12 s when the horizon mass matches the supercluster mass (10^46 kg), then the stable stratification will preserve the density and rate of strain existing at that time as fossils. Thus:

1. gamma = 10^-12 s^-1

2. rho = 2 10^-17

3. L_SV = 9 10^13 m

4. M_PFP = rho L_SV ^3 = 1.3 10^25 kg

Note: The mass of the Earth is 6 10^24 kg