Comments on backs of MAE/CAPE Scantron forms 3/2/2000 (week 8).

My TA Ira was not fair to everyone on his lab section. He would answer any questions & give hints to the people he knew or like and to the others he'll say "you should know it by now"

Ira is a great TA.

Emily and Pak were very helpful!

Please drop one more quiz, since there is so much info to learn, besides other classes we have, dropping 1 more quiz would greatly be appreciated.

Emily is a good TA I learn a lot in section/lab

Pak was a great TA. He has lots of energy and his handouts were very informative and helpful. Thank you!

Pak is a very good TA. He's willing to help all the time and explains things well. AMES lecture is so boring I never want to come. I only come because I have to take the quizzes.

Hiromi is a horrible TA. She shows up 20 minutes late to sections every week. She is the last one to post grades, and she never responds to my emails. She is nice and all, but this job is not right for her.

Ira is an excellent T. A.

Pak was great! He answered email pretty much the same day and always had good advice. I would recommend anyone to go to him for help. : )

TA Emily did a good job explaining the questions I had

TAs were awesome for this class. Emily especially very knowledgeable and helpful about course material. Lectures not very helpful, reading helped more, and section.

My TA, Hiromi, was always late to our section. A couple of times she was more than 1 hour late. We had to depend on the TA from section A07 to give us our two quizzes on time and to help us with ur homework.

I highly recommend this course! But don't know where I could apply this information!

This course is very difficult! The teacher is great, and one can see that he truly cares. It's just that as non-engineers, we HATE! the class. My TA (Hiromi) was ok. She often helped me on the hard questions.

Pak was the only competent TA. Hiromi was always late-even for our lab quizzes. Pak is an excellent TA--if it weren't for him-then I don't know what I would do : )

TA doesn't grade anything quick enough! I never know my grade in the class!!! Only 3 hw's have been posted so far. I've turned like 8 or so!

Need to show more graphics usage (besides boxes and circles) because we need to make our projects good. TA's, Ira, is good and knows his stuff.