! Calculate Planck scales


LET c=3e8 !velocity of light, m s^-1

LET h=1.05e-34 !Planck's constant kg m^2 s^-1

LET G=6.67e-11 !Newton's constant m^3 kg^-1 s^-2

LET k=1.38e-23 !Boltzmann's constant kg m^2 K^-1

LET L_P = (h*G/c^3)^(1/2)

LET M_P = (c*h/G)^(1/2)

LET t_P = (h*G/c^5)^(1/2)

LET Temp_P = ((h*c^5)/(G*k^2))^(1/2)

PRINT "Planck's length, mass, time, and temperature scales"


PRINT "length (h*G/c^3)^(1/2), meters",L_P

PRINT "mass (c*h/G)^(1/2), kg",M_P

PRINT "time (h*G/c^5)^(1/2), seconds",t_P

PRINT "temperature ((h*c^5)/(G*k^2))^(1/2), K", Temp_P