Lecture 20. AMES 5, Monday 9 Nov. 1998

From the course outline we see the reading assignment this week is Chapter 8 on Arrays for Lists and Tables and Chapter 9 on Storing Information in Text Files. You need to turn in modified versions of all the example programs in both of these chapters (such as MEX8-1 on array modification), and do Practice Programs 8.1 and 9.1. These are the second two chapters in Part 2 Advanced Programming Techniques, and both chapters provide important new tools that you may be able to demonstrate in your Final Project, which should be underway by this time. If you have not started, or can't think of a topic that interests you, consider working on a FlashCard program that you can use to study True Basic by answering the Self Test questions in the text, or other questions you might devise. Be sure to include a full explanation of the purpose of your program in a comment section at its beginning. Make sure it runs properly, and doesn't require the user to spend much time to see the point of the program (put yourself in the place of the TA or a class witnessing your demonstration).

Some of the methods presented in Chapter 8 include:

All of these concepts are illustrated by the Example Programs 8-X which you will modify in your homework.

Lecture 21. AMES 5, Wed. 11 Nov. 1998

In your modifications, try to make the revised program automatic and user-friendly. For example, in MEX8-9 you might read the data from BAD.DAT and numbers.dat in a loop to check if they contain enough data to fill the 3x5 array of interest.

Chapter 9 is about Storing Information in Text Files

You need to know how to name and open text files from True Basic programs, write data to the files and read them back, and examine the contents of files.

Some of the topics covered are:

You must modify EX9-1 before it will run to give it a new place (PathName$) to write your new file. See MEX9-1 as an example.


Lecture 21. AMES 5, Friday, 13 Nov. 1998

Practice Program 9.1 is required in your homework.
