The program:

! The Fibonacci series is a mathematical series of numbers. In this series, the

! next term is the sum of the previous two terms in the series. For example, if

! the first term is 1 and the second term is 1, then the third term is (1+1) or 2

! and the fourth term is (1+2) or 3.

! Ask a user to enter the number of terms (or numbers) in the series and then

! display the values of all the terms. Assume a value of 1 for each of the first two

! terms.

! Test your program using a Fibonacci series of 2,5 and 13 terms.

! Watch the calculation with do trace, fast (n,series$) ,^j


! Pseudocode:

! The series begins as 1,1, so Fib(1)=1, Fib(2)=1,1, Fib(3)=1,1,2, Fib(4)=1,1,2,3,

! Fib(5)=1,1,2,3,5, Fib(6) =1,1,2,3,5,8, etc.

! Write a subroutine Fib(n) to produce the required series from an input n

! First try out the program with user input.

! Then comment out the input statements and replace with a data statement

! for 2,3,13


INPUT prompt "Enter an integer ": n ! the length of series required

! PRINT "The integer n is ";n

CALL Fib(n,series$)

PRINT "The Fibonacci series for ";" ";n;" "; "terms";" ";"is"

PRINT series$ !The variable returned by the subroutine




! compute the value of last term in series

! compute the value of the next-to-last term

! posr("target$","pattern$",position)

! last position = posr(",")-1 , the position left of the last comma

! first position = posr(fibn$,",",posr(",")-1)+1 is just right of the

! next to last comma

! target$ = fibn$ , the Fibonacci series

! pattern$ = ","

!PRINT fibn$



SUB Fib(n,fibn$) ! The subroutine to calculate the series of length n

IF n=1 then ! n=1

LET fibn$="1"

ELSEIF n=2 then

LET fibn$="1,1" !n=2

ELSEIF n> 2 then


LET fibn$ = "1,1" ! initialize series

LET index=0 ! initialize index for n >2

DO until index >= n-2 ! build up the series to size n

LET index = index + 1

LET last$ = fibn$[posr(fibn$,",")+1:len(fibn$)]

LET last = val(last$) ! the last value of the series

LET position = posr(fibn$,",",len(fibn$))

!PRINT "Position of last comma is ... ";position

LET nlpos = posr(fibn$,",",posr(fibn$,",",len(fibn$))-1)

!PRINT "Position of next-to-last comma is ...";nlpos

! now find the next to last value of the series

LET nextlast$ = fibn$[nlpos+1:position-1]

!PRINT "The string value is ...";nextlast$ !check the string

LET nextlast = val(nextlast$) !convert string to number

LET next = last + nextlast ! the next term in the Fibronacci series

! next is the sum of the last and next-to-last terms

LET fibn$ = fibn$&","&str$(next) ! create the next series

! concatinate next to previous Fibonacci series

! the series builds up to length n and returns fibn$ to main program




The output of the program:

Enter an integer 2

The Fibonacci series for 2 terms is


Enter an integer 5

The Fibonacci series for 5 terms is


Enter an integer 13

The Fibonacci series for 13 terms is


Enter an integer 100

The Fibonacci series for 100 terms is











