Lecture 18. AMES 5, Tues. Mar. 9, 1999

The quiz today will be comprehensive for the course, and will include some subjective questions. You will be asked to compose computer programs to solve problems that might include any of the take-home and in-class quiz problems, or the unassigned practice programs of Chapters 2,3,4 and 5. A course evaluation form will be distributed.

Quiz 10 solution

Extra Credit for Early Final Projects!

Lecture 19. AMES 5, Thurs. Mar. 11, 1999

No quiz today! The class time will be used for demonstrations of early class final projects.

Extra Credit for Early Final Projects! Two bonus points out of 100 will be awarded for projects turned in before class time today for early consideration (and possible demonstration...please be available in class to discuss your project if it is demonstrated). All final projects must be turned in no later than 11am, Mar. 17 (the scheduled time for the class final...although no final is given).
