The program:

! this program shows how the logical variables end data and

! more data change, depending on whether there is or is not

! more data available for reading


SET COLOR "blue"

IF end data then PRINT "end data is true" else PRINT "end data is false"

! gives true without data statement, false with

IF more data then PRINT "more data is true" else PRINT "more data is false"

! gives false without data statement, true with

DATA 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

DO while more data

READ num



IF end data then PRINT "end data is true" else PRINT "end data is false"

! gives true without data statement, false with

IF more data then PRINT "more data is true" else PRINT "more data is false"

! gives false without data statement, true with



The output of the program:

before reading the data

end data is false

more data is true

after reading the data in a do-loop controlled by while more data

end data is true

more data is false