Current projects:


  • Novel Carbon Nanotube Morphologies as building blocks for nanoelectronics 

(In Collaboration with A.M. Rao, Clemson University, South Carolina)


 Supported by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research


  • Carbon Nanotube based Tactile Shear Force Sensors


  • Electrochemistry of Carbon nanotubes- for application to biochemical sensors 


  • Electrical, Thermal, and Thermoelectric Characterization of Si/SiGe based superlattice structures

(Collaboration with N. Elsner and S. Ghamaty, Hi-Z Inc., San Diego)


Supported by the Hi-Z Inc. and the Von Liebig foundation


  • Optical Delay Engineering and Anderson Localization in Silicon based nanostructures

(Collaboration with S. Mookherjea and S. Fainman, Electrical Engineering, UC, San Diego)


Supported by the National Science Foundation


  • Manganese Acetate Based Integrated Molecular Electronics

(Collaboration with D. Hendrickson, Chemistry department, UCSD)


  • Semiconductor surface – Organic molecule interactions


  • Reliability issues in quantum mechanical devices

-       The influence of defects


  • Nano-fabrication techniques, especially electron-beam lithography, for tactile/shear sensor fabrication and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS)



Past Projects


  • Low temperature growth and characterization of Ge on Si photodetectors for nano-photonics applications

(Supported by the von Liebig foundation)


  • Controlled ambient annealing for the synthesis of novel magnetic semiconductors


  • Growth & Control of Carbon Nanotubes for Improved Electron Field Emission

(In collaboration with S. Jin, UC, San Diego)


(Supported by the UC discovery-Samsung collaboration)